

Ortho/trauma acute care/med surg

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About MsSocalRN

MsSocalRN has 15 years experience and specializes in Ortho/trauma acute care/med surg.

Latest Activity

  1. Do you get covid pay?

    What state do you work in? I think here in California they give you the amount of hours in covid pay that you work on a weekly basis, if you work 24 hours a week then you are given 48 hours or two...
  2. What would you have done?

    Pacer was checked, it was failing to pace. Pt requested to be sent to SNF because he lived alone and only had a caregiver 3 hours a day. He has a follow up with Cardio. He stated he is 98 yrs old he...
  3. Lipids at night

    17:00 at my
  4. Can You Be Fired....

    I ask my manager to cover for me if I'm too busy to take a lunch! If you start doing that maybe they will find someone to cover for
  5. Regardless of your title you should not be treated badly. People can be mean! I am an RN and I treat everyone from the MD's to the housekeeping to the girl that delivers the food trays with the same...
  6. Taking time off before I get my first job...

    Congrats! I'm happy it worked out for you! Being you are single maybe look into travel nursing! That would be fun! You can go to Key West for 3 months then Alaska the next 3 months! I would if I were...
  7. What would you have done?

    Pt comes in c/o dizziness n/v, pt is paced. Md orders for CM to set up pacer check appt made for 11/14. Telemetry calls and asked CN what type of pacer does the pt have? Asked pt he does not know,...
  8. Chamberlain online FNP

    I started the BSN to MSN bridge I'm looking at a year just for my BSN, how long after that will it take for the FNP? Thank you in advance for any
  9. Patient Discharges

    How long does it take for you to discharge a patient? And what does your facility require you to put in your discharge? It literally takes hours where I work. I am just trying to research why it takes...
  10. Chamberlain online november 2013 session

    Ok I'm taking transitions and Cultural Diversity this session. I'm so nervous, I have had one online class my whole life! I am thankful though I have a lady I work with that has been with Chamberlain...
  11. Chamberlain online november 2013 session

    I'm thinking nursing transition and algebra. They accepted my English Comp so I don't need to take that, but I need a math class prior to statistics. Which I do not mind because I would rather have a...
  12. Chamberlain online november 2013 session

    I literally just applied and will be starting the 28th as well! I'm so excited to get back to school and finish up! I am doing the RN-BSN-MSN, if my calculations are right it will be 32 months before...
  13. Overtime Question when single

    That's all I would work extra per paid period, anymore than that I change my deductions on my w2 so all my OT does not go to my uncle! Then of course I change it back after the pay period. It's very...
  14. What's going to be bad is if you take this position and then you are offered a full time position some where else after this company has put money into training you and you quit on them in a few...
  15. I tried the same thing three years ago and got the same reply and I passed. And a friend tried and it let her register for another test and she failed. Just telling you about my experience. Not making...