It is a Medicare regulation to have a physician order for an O2 sat, at least in the CHHA, the agency I worked for underwent a Medicare survey and were cited for performing O2 sats on pts without an...
Our agency made the decision last year to incorporate CHHA and Hospice case loads. Unfortunately the productivity expectations remain 5 patients per day. The average case load is 27 patients, of...
My agency has just gone to a computer system, I find that getting as much information as possible on the computer at visit time is useful, however, I do find it difficult at times, especially on...
mommazac replied to susannyc's topic in Home Health
I would agree that the best way to answer the OASIS questions is thru your observation and assessment, one needs to observe the patient in their environment and answer the ADL questions appropriately,...
mommazac replied to tennesseeRN's topic in Home Health
At our agency our productivity for RN's is 5 patients per day, LPN's is 6. Caseloads vary from 25 to 50, some of our part time nurses pair up and co case manage a larger case load. Unfortunately,...
Sounds like she was in flash pulmonary edema, suctioning would not have helped. You did the right thing getting a Roxinal and Levsin order. Seeing to her comfort and providing her with the care you...
mommazac replied to newflgrad's topic in Home Health
In order to fulfill your responsibilities, it doesn't matter if the parents have heard the smoking lecture multilple times, reinstruct, provide supportive evidence of the danger of second hand smoke...
mommazac replied to FreshRN05's topic in Home Health
At our agency we pay a per diem rate of $75 per admission on the weekend. An admission is a lengthy visit 1-1 1/2 hrs long, then follow up paper work and phone calls. Depending if the agency is...
mommazac replied to HomeofLove4Him's topic in Home Health
At our agency we offer an evening position to cover the pm drsg changes, IV cases, overflow from the day, and/or admissions for those q 12 hr injections or IV cases. Typically normal visits done by...