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About swatch007

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  1. Is that a fact or just your own opinion? What about type A, and type A+ ( "like myself")? Are they best fit? --if you know what I
  2. 1 year (semester) male nursing student having Doubts

    :nono:Pssstt... Don't yell here, Samschwinn (those caps indicated your tone). This court is in session. Yes, I agree; nursing school is sucks, but try to use those fancy words you know to replace the...
  3. 1 year (semester) male nursing student having Doubts

    Kennyboy, listen up my friend! Nursing is just a job. Don't feel bad if you think you don't have the passion for it or if you are in doubt. The real question here is what do you want to do in your...
  4. Living situation

    champagne or vodka might be able to help 'till you move to a less noisy
  5. Hurst Review

    This --> might help you to answer your question. Also when you read this link, scroll down to see more threads...
  6. New Grad...On Neuro Unit. need advise.

    I wish I could help, but the only thing I can think of is the standard of nursing practice. Nursing assessment that we learned in school and nursing text books is the same skill that we are expected...
  7. In Todays New World a question or two

    I was a paramedic but I only carry band aid in my wallet since I live in new york city where ambulances can response in less than 5 minutes. I can do CPR and stop bleeding if I have to. No I don't...
  8. New guy saying hello!

    Welcome aboard! Are you off today? , so here take it :beer: and let's celebrate. *hik!* --excuse me... (its coffee in a beer mug, so don't worry)
  9. Accelerated Nursing Programs

    caro3334Re: Accelerated Nursing Programs I just found out that not all ABSN programs require a previous degree Many of my fellow soldiers called the accelerated nursing program as a "Shake and Bake"...
  10. Accelerated Nursing Programs

  11. question about getting into a nursing program

    No need to waste your time taking "upper level classes" because they are not going to consider these classes when judging your application in nursing school. The best action to take is to make sure...
  12. I passed!!!!

    clap! clap! clap! clap! impressive! welcome aboard! Now get ready to work harder and prepared a bucket for a pouring $$$ to come (just kidding, we don't really get paid enough for the hard work we...
  13. Reading almost all of the responses here gives me an insight that helps me to pause and understand people better which is unusual in this fast-paced society since most of us are preoccupied . Thanks...
  14. A message from GOD...??

    Long time ago, primitive people perceived events that they could not control or things that they could not explain as God's will or acts. I think it's somehow part of human's defense mechanism to...
  15. Student male Nurse today in L+D

    You did well staying composed. It happened to me too many times, but I just moved on and stayed focused on my patients. That's just another day in the office