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About coley28

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  1. Where were u 9/11/01?

    I was a junior in high school and was in my morning U.S. History class when another teacher ran in and told my teacher to put on the TV. We watched as the 2nd plane hit. I dont even think I...
  2. Share Your Saying

    "If the world didnt suck so much, we would all fall off" -
  3. Post Spring 2006 semester grades here!

    A&P I = A- Microbiology = A Intro to Psychology = A Philosophy- Ethics =
  4. Pre-Med??

    I did the opposite. I switched from pre-med to pre-nursing but I took a year and a half off in between. Med school is a huuuuge commitment of time and money and that scared me when I was
  5. Any New Hampshire Pre-Students??

    Congrats!!! I got in too...see you in the
  6. Any New Hampshire Pre-Students??

    I got into Stratham too!! Congrats! I guess Ill see you in the fall
  7. Any New Hampshire Pre-Students??

    Has anyone gotten their letter yet? I know some girls in my micro class that applied to NHCTC Manch got theirs tuesday...but NHCTC Stratham letters havent arrived yet.....should be this week though!...
  8. What is a reasonable price?

    Advertise at a college nearby. A college student is more likely to want those hours since they could probably fit it around classes. I babysit around classes because its pretty hard to find another...
  9. My son tried to kill himself tonight

    I know its been awhile since you posted this but I just had to reply. About 2 years ago I was diagnosed with major depression. I was a freshman at a university 2 hours from home so my mom didnt know...
  10. Any New Hampshire Pre-Students??

    Hi! I'm also applying to NHCTC-Stratham for this fall. I was told that we wont get responses until the first week of April. NHCTC sent out an email newsletter a week or two and thats what it said. I...