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All Content by Nurse2bMelanie

  1. Nursing Assistant state exam questions

    I took mine 3 years ago in Kentucky. We had to do only 3 skills, which was hand washing, occupied bed making and blood pressure. I had totally forgotten about having to do my skills that day and had worn a skirt and high heels and forgot my stethos...
  2. GN soon 2 be NICU nurse

    Im with you on this one! Istar the neuro/neuro ICU next week!
  3. NCLEX-RN Exam Cram: Opinions?

    I love this book. But to me, its more of a guide, not a study book. It tells you where to go, moreless
  4. Tuition compensation in exchange for employment

    I was very fortunate that the hospital I have always wanted to work at offered this program. And they're one of the top 100 hospitals, and one of the top Magnent Hospitals for nurses so it worked out really well. They gave me $1700 a semsester in e...
  5. Inventions we'd love to see....

    These are available here in Kentucky, as well as sit down MRI's and open MRI's (which aren't very open when you're having it done on your head and theres a cage around you)
  6. Scope of FNPs

    there is a school here in Eastern Kentucky which offers a very traditional midwife program, but its based on a distance education setup. It was founded by Mary Breckinridge who was a fore runner in womens health. You could check it out. http://www....
  7. Pronunciation

    I never heard it pronounced as SONAmeter until we got to our OB class. It was always centimeter until then.
  8. HELP!!!!! Math is KILLING me!

    Ok, so here are my questions, I just need someone to show me the formulas, and I can work them out myself... 1) Order: Infuse 1 unit (250ml) PRBCs in 3 hours. You remember that the blood should infuse at a rate of 50ml/hr in the first 15 minutes. ...
  9. HELP!!!!! Math is KILLING me!

    100% baby!!!! In other words, no more math tests for Melanie!!!! :balloons:
  10. HELP!!!!! Math is KILLING me!

    Thanks you all, I got some formulas from class mates and using your all's so that I can figure out which way is the best way for me.
  11. HELP!!!!! Math is KILLING me!

    so the answer to the first part of #1 would be 15 because gtt/min is equal to gtt/ml right?