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All Content by Sundancer123

  1. Stress and Burnout

    No danger now. I work as an LPN at a facility. But many years as a paramedic, I have seen alot.
  2. Stress and Burnout

    Hmmmm...stress in the nursing field? This might sound strange but I got into nursing because my old job was too stressful! lol. I listen to nurses I work with and just wounder what they would do if: They (the nurse) were the first person that a wife/...
  3. What's your story? Why did you take up nursing?

    When I first began, I started out as a Paramedic because I wouldnt need all the prereqs to finish. I loved being a medic, did it for 11 years. Seen and did more than the majority of all the RNs I work with (with exception of the trauma RN's). A te...