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All Content by NurseKevin

  1. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Thank you.
  2. Medicare For All H.R. 676

    The pay is better because of the free market system. The government running everything will botch that up for us though.
  3. Getting Along- The Union Debate

    That is all that I want... The freedom to join or not.
  4. Medicare For All H.R. 676

    We need a link bud...I appreciate your support and all, but we need a link so that certain others do not think that the info is "made up"
  5. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Eventually, I will. But currently working on an MBA with a Healthcare Admin Focus
  6. Medicare For All H.R. 676

    I am sorry what does snopes and internet myths have to do with enterprisers? Liberals are the ones that get their news from the internet (according to the site that cited for the survey)
  7. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    [Added by Acts 2005 (S.B. 1000), 79th Leg., eff. May 20, 2005] Well, I licensed in 1997, and came to CA in 2004 and on top of that I was in the Army, and when we deployed all bets were off anyways.
  8. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    and titrated vasoactive drips
  9. Medicare For All H.R. 676

    not 65% of people who are the most informed and knowledgable as to the goings on in the world.
  10. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Ahh I see.... So... Even though that I have 4 years critical care experience as an ICU staff nurse... I would be of no value to you? I functioned independently, and did not have RNs "cover me". (Texas has no vocational nurse scope of practice act, a...
  11. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    But see, they are being disingenious
  12. Medicare For All H.R. 676

    ANd I really like the last bit of info.. That is the enterprisers, whom 75% of are opposed to the medicare for all
  13. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Well... My wife is a BSN... I am an LVN... The thing is, the CNA in particular, screws over LVNs in their attempts to make RNs more "valuable". Is that something that RNs want to do? I doubt it.
  14. Guys what made you chooose nursing

    LOL I wouldnt even say that ALOT of male nurses are gay, let alone all or most.
  15. Getting Along- The Union Debate

    You are merely saying that you do not wish to be a part of the collective, that you can think and negotiate for yourself, and do not need someone else to do it for you.
  16. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    er no it is not that simple... first of all, you are going to have to show this great difference in Union and non union salaries in California and then you will have to compare the non union salaries of cali with the non union salaries of any state U...
  17. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    I think that particular deficit is more than covered by cost of living..(when in doubt look at the cost of real estate + taxes)
  18. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Blasphemy!! That is nothing more than Anti-union propaganda!
  19. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    And, one more thing, these guys were able to negotiate their salary without a union to do it for them, seems that the individual can do better than the collective after all
  20. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Sigh, I love the emotional appeal..(THEY MAKE THIS MUCH) These executive salaries are exhorbentent, no doubt, but they are more than in line with what corporate America executives make. They are paid for leadership, education, decision making and as ...
  21. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Great... Now how much of that 7K more annually is because those nurses live in, say NY, LA, SF Oakland, Chicago...etc (YOu know the population centers where unions are) and they make more than other RNs because of the cost of living? That is a loa...
  22. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Go unions YAY! Wow they sure are for the workers arent they..! Well, at least the ones that fill their coffers
  23. There was a poster that requested info

    regarding strike nurse agencies. The thread that he/she bumped with his/her question was apparently deleted. I posted a link for them there, so I'll post it again here. I believe the name Cyd or some variation/combination of that name. Here is the ag...
  24. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Why I would be so miserable? I enjoy politics and being active in them. I am sure someone told MLK that he would be pretty miserable and that the best thing for him to do would be to move back to Africa... See, there is an ebb and flow of liberal and...
  25. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions Sorry