
Pheebz777 BSN, RN


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All Content by Pheebz777

  1. Reason for IV fluids

    Well, we all know that the best determination of hydration status is reflected in the urine. When patient hands over a urine sample that's dark amber in color, well that tells me a lot. Most of the patients coming thru the E.D. may be hours or even d...
  2. Travel NP starting hourly rates

    I would negotiate a better salary. My base pay including ICU differential, night differential and $2/hr for CCRN certification all add up to $48/hr. At my other seasonal Job they were offering $62/hr.
  3. Pacemaker failed to sense

    I called the cardiologist once for the same problem, but before the MD called back I was messing with the sensitivity and mA but to no avail. The cardiologist just told me to increase the rate to 80. And it was capturing just great at a rate of 80! U...
  4. EKG reading and leads

    Look it up on YouTube. Type in 12-lead EKG. Once you watch a couple of simulations you'll never forget it. You'll understand how vectors work, reading axis, understand BBB, etc.
  5. Vent/Advice Needed

    well, you do have a "1hr before and 1hr after" window to give your meds. You can bunch up your 7-8-9 meds together by giving them at 8, and you can bunch up your 10-11-12 meds by giving them at 11? The pharmacy usually does have standard time scheds ...
  6. Should ICU get more pay than floor nursing?!?

    I don't necessarily think a floor nurse should be paid less than an ICU nurse or vice versa. A new grad in the ICU should not be paid more than a seasoned nurse on the floor. Pay rate should be commensurate to length of clinical experience, certifica...
  7. IV Benadryl

    If there's no IV fluids running I usually pull out a 50-100 ml saline bag and run it slowly from the farthest port to prevent extrapyramidal symptoms. I also do this with reglan unless the MD orders Ativan IV as well.
  8. Heat stroke & DIC????

    I live near the Texas/Mexican border and we get patients suffering from heat stroke, rhabdo and DIC when they present to the E.R. The rhabdo alone caused by the extreme exposure would be enough to throw your body outta wack. Severe cases usually are ...
  9. Drugs to know in the Neuro Icu

    On top of the aforementioned medications, you might want to familiarize yourself with the application and operation of a cooling blanket as these neuro patients tend to develop "neurogenic fevers".
  10. How woud you treat this patient...

    Not with a HR of 30. Tridil drip would be best to control the chest pain and lower BP.
  11. What was your practice scores for CCRN prep?

    I think I recall I was getting in the high 60s as well. But when I took the 150 questions I got a score of 116. My CCRN score was 103
  12. Request for advice from veteran CVSICU nurses

    Aside from learning from a good preceptor, get your CCRN certification. The study alone will help you big time in understanding hemodynamics, PA catheter pressures and their significance, ABG's, etc. Once you get that, continue to get your CMC, then...
  13. ICU nightmares

    I've had dreams sometimes where I didn't know anything on any patients. I couldn't read any of the orders. I wasn't familiar with the staff, I didn't know why I'm working in this unfamiliar place. I've had dreams of Code Blues and surprisingly I knew...
  14. 2 PIV's if no central line?

    I don't think there's a policy regarding how many PIVs an ICU patient should have. I think it's only common sense having 1 extra IV if your patient is on a drip or vasopressor. If that single IV infiltrates it would take at least another 5-10 minutes...
  15. ICU stuff

    I would say just be familiar with your drips, vasopressors, their preparations (single, double, quad) as well as certain drip protocols (heparin, DKA, insulin,etc). Knowledge of the ventilator and understanding their settings will help you manage you...
  16. Overdose or tbi? What would you do?

    Are you new to the E.D.? Just curious. People come to the E.D. with similar presentation all the time. Stabilize airway, hemodynamics, then CT head, labs, detox, etc. ASAP.
  17. How woud you treat this patient...

    STAT cardiac protocol, MONA, EKG, labs, O2 right, cardiac monitor with pacer pads initially How old is this patient? What were the circumstances/history prior to presenting into the E.R.?
  18. Treat the patient, not the monitor

    What scares me is that some nurses take the phrase "Treat the patient" in it's most literal simplistic meaning. For me, it is universally understood that "Treating the patient" incorporates all levels of critical thinking and looking at the entire c...
  19. RRT vs ICU transfer

    So the patient was started on dopamine, kept on dopamine and stayed on the floor? As what others have already said, a day or 2 in the ICU would be needed as well as a cardiac consult. Someone just does not go into symptomatic bradycardia without rea...
  20. E.D. Protocols

    What are the general protocols to follow when you recieved an assualted patient "A" and recieved a phone call from someone on the other line asking if you have patient "A" in your E.D.? Also, on 2 occasions the MD says it is ok for anyone who knows ...
  21. Books for new ICU Nurse

    Don't forget that YouTube is filled with a plethora of information and clear cut narratives and animations. When digging into the details those aforementioned books are great. When you want to understand concepts, procedures, pathophysiology of disea...
  22. Treat the patient, not the monitor

    I agree with this to some degree, but I believe the OP was referring to nurses reaction to false and true alarms when they are warranted. Besides if a patient suddenly goes asystole for no reason that you know of, I don't think digging up a patients ...
  23. ICU new grad, handling an emergency successfully

    He probably meant an external jugular. In my experience the 2 times I placed an emergent EJ in a crashing patient the E.D. doctor gave the go ahead signal pending arrival of a central line kit.
  24. ICU new grad, handling an emergency successfully

    Great Job! As you progress longer in the ICU, you will encounter many more patients that will deteriorate right before your very eyes! Especially those with a myriad of co-morbidities such as the patient you treated.
  25. New Nurse IV Struggles

    You can also practice, I mean, "insert" new IVs on confused, debilitated, aphasic patients when you get a chance. As AkulaHawkRN stated, you get more success by being aggressive with your sticks. Don't be timid in sticking a vein. That leads to the v...