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All Content by bergren

  1. Giving info to police

    We don't have the authority to hand over the records even to staff. The information officer which is usually a asst superintendent level supervisor decides who gets to see what records. They can ascertain if the employee or outside contractor has ...
  2. VENT!!!! (you've been warned)

    don't do scoliosis screenings, the USPSTF says don't:

    What state was this? Who were the lobbiest representing?

    The role of the United States Preventative Services Task Force is to analyze all of the evidence published and make a recommendation. Until new research comes out, that is the United States guideline. You can always find a source that is going to a...
  5. School clinic substitutes- help!

    Please do take off when you are ill or yhour child is ill. There is no motivation to fix the sub issue if you continue to go in whenyou should not. This month's issue of the Journal of School Nursing has a research article on the school nurse sub ...

    The United States Preventative Task Force not only does not recommended doing scoliosis screenings, the evidence shows that scoliosis screenings are more likely to harm a child by unnecessarily referring them for unnecessary testing and may lead to u...
  7. Diaper changes on special needs students

    "it has turned into big hoopla that the front office may have to take a temp or two while i am on maternity leave. Please, I have a very small, very low needs school and I am only there 2 days as it is. I typically see 3-7 kids a day (mostly peepee p...
  8. encopresis

    "We have tried bowel training ..." Does this mean the child has not had a complete workup? Encopresis is a complex disorder that requires a treatment plan. Agree that 1st step is a medical referral.
  9. HELP: Human bite protocol?

    NASN members download article free. Conlon, H. A. (2007). Human bites in the classroom. Journal of School Nursing, 23, 197 - 201.
  10. HELP: Human bite protocol?

    The publication refered to in the previous post is: Champion, C. (2005). Occupational Exposure to Blood-Borne Pathogens. Silver Spring, MD: NASN.
  11. On what planet does it make sense...

    One of the National ssociation of School Nurses legislative priorities is for the Healthy Families Act The lack of paid sick days has become a public health concern. More than forty million private-sector workers (38%) do not have access to paid, job...
  12. On what planet does it make sense...

    Glad this turned out with the child getting the care he needed. Was Gramma on the call list? Was it her cell phone that she happened to pick up in Florida?
  13. Mumps?

    MMWR 2010: The efficacy of the Mumps vaccine is found on CDC website: In England in 2004 / 2005, 312 cases of mumps were reported in children eligibl...
  14. Head injuries/head bumps

    We discussed this 2 years ago and this might give some additional information. I concur, any head injury requires a call to the parent at the time of the injury. If you do not see the...
  15. Speaking of Head Lice...

    Have you done a home visit? What do you mean when you say you "educated" mom?
  16. National Certification for School Nurses

    Illinois school nurse certification requires a bachelors degreee, specific masters level classes for certification and two exams. There are 4 universities who offer the certification classes: University of Illinois - Chicago - online National Louis...
  17. Immunization issues!

    There is a nurse leader in the state of Washington who told the state association: Something like: "If the state or district chooses not to fund them adequately, that does not mean the nurse makes up the difference in their own resources" "They ge...
  18. Kindergarteners and Cologne

    Fragrances are part of the EPA concerns for indoor air quality Many schools and workplaces ban fragrances just as hospitals do - if you google frangrance ban in school, you get many hits. This is a good article about nurses role ingetting hosptials t...
  19. what do you wear on your job? ran a poll:
  20. Parents not giving ADHD far should we go?

    Agree on the partnership. But many children with ADHD have parents with ADHD. And the parents don't suffer if the child does not get the medication. The child and the teacher and the other children in the classroom do. There are solutions tha...
  21. I pulled this out of my head!!!! LOL

    Honestly, I would call poison control re: pesticide poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning by flea/tick treatments may include salivating, dilated pupils, shaking, vomiting and skin irritation An April 2009 research report "Poison on Pets II" describes a s...
  22. Parents not giving ADHD far should we go?

    If we argue school nurses are needed because we impact the health and LEARNING of students, it is difficult to argue that administering medication for ADHD is not our job just because it COULD be given at home. Our obligation is to the student and th...
  23. Will I regret it if I stay part-time?

    All of the positives for staying part time are meaningful. The negatives in the short term are worth the positives The long term negative is not having a retirement package. It seems like a long way off, but the difference in your retirement income...
  24. Logging students in ??

    "our cards are a landscape, 8.5 x 11 sheet, on cardstock" Ditto, and we had the office print up labels with the student's name, student number, homeroom, grade.
  25. Should I have my own malpractice insurance?

    NASN ran a quick poll over the holiday break on whether school nurses carry their own insurance: Poll results 01/06/11 Currently are you covered by your own personal professional liability insurance? 1. Yes (715) 72% 2. No (282) 28%