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EC8 specializes in EMS.

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  1. @Nicole81 Sure. im not sure if it will allow me to post my phone number. But if it does shoot me a text !
  2. @Nia20 @Nicole81 Yes I got accepted as well. I'm going to be traveling from Southeast GA, it'll be a long drive for me each week but I'm grateful for the opportunity to be in this program...
  3. @Nicole81 Sorry, it won't let me untag you for some reason. LOL. Im just trying to post s comment in general. I just received a decision letter. So, hopefully they are sending them...
  4. @Nia20 @Nicole81 @medicsully they told me via email that we'd hear back by the end of this month. Still kind of a long time left potentially! I'm hoping before Thanksgiving....
  5. @Nia20 @Nicole81 I am looking forward to hearing back. I did comment on some older posts where the last HCP>RN and Hybrid RN applicants were commenting. I asked if they had any ideas...
  6. @Courtney W. Hey, sounds like you are currently in the HCP to RN bridge program. I was wondering what the schedule is looking like? I was told Spring 25 is tentatively planned for...
  7. I've applied to the HCP>RN bridge program and we are supposed to hear back a week or two after the deadline, but It must be different for different programs. I was just hoping to get an idea from...