

Ortho, ICU, Teaching, Mental Health, LNC

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About MamuRN_15

MamuRN_15 has 28 years experience and specializes in Ortho, ICU, Teaching, Mental Health, LNC.

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  1. Can I work as a CNA if I'm a LPN

    You passed your NCLEX. Do not suspend your license, you earned it. I'm a dinosaur RN and many times worked as an STNA on our floor I loved it bc I loved the aides on our floor (I will NEVER be that nurse who says "MY aides”). It's a damn hard job and...
  2. Accused of falsifying charting

    Do NOT meet with them alone. If you have malpractice ins you can call them and get legal advice. I have a couple decades in plus do legal nurse consulting. If you're in a union talk with your Steward ASAP.