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  1. GPA: 3.4 TEAS: 78 I have minimal volunteer experience and my science portions of my TEAS were better so maybe that's why?
  2. Yes we should! I don't know anything about how fb works I will be honest
  3. Thank you!! You too 🙂
  4. Me too! I don't know how I was accepted my stats were very average. I guess they really take the essay into consideration. 😭
  5. Oh god I really really hope not
  6. When youve been admitted, does the portal say "admit" and then say accept or decline?
  7. In the same boat as everyone else but congratulations that's exciting news!!
  8. I have no idea either but I've heard sometimes schools are required to do that for financial aid reasons...and apparently FAFSA is a mess RN
  9. Im numb at this point
  10. May 15?? That's crazy
  11. I totally get it. I'm waiting on some other schools that are taking months. I know the wait is actually brutal 😭 we got this!
  12. I can't speak from experience but I've heard they're both great options! Depends on how far you want to commute too if you live in Houston already. Congrats on the other school 🙂 did you apply to UTH for fall 2024??
  13. Does anyone know if they send out a verification email?
  14. I think it's just the test scores and transcripts but I could be wrong!
  15. The day Before or maybe on the day twu released acceptances this year, someone called and they told them like end of you never know! My guess is beg of May tho
  16. Hey yall, this is probably a really dumb question but if I have something supplemental that I want to submit, is it too late to ask if I could do that? Obviously the deadline has passed but part of me thinks it couldn't hurt to ask?
  17. Hey! For those of you who were accepted (congrats btw!) and who were denied in the past, what are some helpful tips for reapplying. If I'm going to retake some stuff to boost my stats, would it be worth it to still apply for the next cycle to see if ...
  18. Hi! I just got accepted for fall 2024 and I too read some scary reviews mom makes just enough to where I will never qualify for money from the govt (but I have to pay for school) and the scholarship they offered just won't be enough. I wa...
  19. I feel like its going to be at least end of may. SO LONG I feel like I might drop dead before then
  20. That is lovely news ! hoping to get in so I don't have to retake chem when they officially change that requirement for future semesters
  21. I checked lonestar and it looks like they do, however a lot of them are online only, which UT probably doesn't accept for chem. Now its a question of how far am I willing to drive to sell my life away to chem for a month... Doesnt look like hcc has a...
  22. That would be so nice...not sure though judging by previous years. it seems later for decisions 😞 But willing to hope and pray for something earlier ! Its hard to not be able to plan because if retakes are needed they can't be squeezed in before t...