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All Content by RN23C

  1. Hi all, Just seeking some advice on my situation. I am currently a new grad RN working as a MS/Tele float pool RN at a hospital. I recently found out I am pregnant (in June) and am so excited for this new journey, however I am now in my second t...
  2. Turned down from new grad position

    I am in the same position! I was turned down by one of my dream hospitals, but I have been offered a new grad float pool position at another hospital. This position is not ideal for me, but at this point, I almost feel as though I should just take th...
  3. Torrance Memorial Residency 2024

    I believe it's dependent on the specialty department's needs.
  4. Cedars Sinai New Grad RN Residency - Spring 2024

    Yes, but I was notified I am an alternate 😕
  5. Cedars Sinai New Grad Residency Spring 2024

    Same :/ At least it's not a complete rejection, so we will see. What unit did you apply to?
  6. Cedars Sinai New Grad RN Residency - Spring 2024

    Congrats! What department?
  7. Hi fellow nurses, I am a new grad currently employed at a SNF. I passed my NCLEX last September and was offered a position through connections with a hospital I knew; however, due to unforseen circumstances within that hospital's system, they ar...
  8. Update: Thank you for your replies! I have two interviews with two different hospitals for new grad programs, so I'm hoping for the best. As for the SNF job, I had to put in my 2 weeks notice because I felt I wasn't getting enough support/training (...
  9. Cedars Sinai New Grad Residency Spring 2024

    Agreed! What unit did you apply for?