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About futureRNFall2024

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  1. Saddleback College - ADN Fall 2024 (Mission Viejo)

    Hello, does anyone know what the nursing program would look like for fall? Like how many days are spend on campus (M-F)? Or is the program hybrid? I
  2. Citrus College ADN Fall 2024

    Did they email you that you got in or call you?
  3. Citrus College ADN Fall 2024

    Which email- Your personal or school email?
  4. Cerritos College Fall 2024 /Spring 2025

    I got accepted as an alternate too! I wonder how many end up getting into the program or what number rank we are..
  5. Pasadena City College ADN Fall 2024

    I'm also planning to apply for the Fall 2024, what other schools are you applying to?
  6. Cerritos College Fall 2024 /Spring 2025

    I also applied to Cerritos. Crossing my fingers and hope we get in!
  7. Saddleback College - ADN Fall 2024 (Mission Viejo)

    I got waitlisted as an alternate! How many people do you think get in from the alternate list? I wish there was a way to know how far I am in to the waitlist
  8. Santa Ana College (SAC) Fall 2024 RN admission

    Hi, I'm also applying this fall. I have a quick question, how did you organize your paperwork before submitting it in PDF?