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All Content by DabofDantrolene

  1. Westminster University CRNA 2024

    Thank you for the breakdown! Funny enough, my stats are very, very similar, even down to years of experience and specialty mix. Were there multiple interview phases? Was it all in-person, or was it virtual? I'm based on the West Coast and planning ah...
  2. Westminster University CRNA 2024

    Awww sorry to hear! It seems they're very GPA-focused and not as focused on a holistic review of each candidate. That is insanely high! Good luck, there is a school out that for you. It's like dating just got to find that one match LOL.
  3. Westminster University CRNA 2024

    Have you emailed the program? I had coworker who also didn't get an invite and he reached out with no reply back.
  4. Nursing is slavery Period!!!

    We all got into this profession to make a difference (at least I like to think we all do). Being in a situation where you can't because of factors outside of your control leads to moral injury. It's time to move on to a better hospital that will supp...
  5. What Kind of Patients Do You LIKE Most?

    I like the patient who teeters along in the ICU, and everyone wonders if they'll ever make it out. Then, they make a turnaround. Far and few in between, but gotta hang on to the underdog stories!
  6. Leaving

    Shifting a culture requires building relationships with challenging team members to work to a point where you can influence the culture. If these nurses that prioritize excellence have made the decision that it isn't worth the effort to shift the cul...
  7. SRNA and/or CRNA - Information for Future School Applicants

    Hi, I'm at 6 years of ICU experience. 3 in CVICU and 3 in Mixed ICU. Overall, my application feels strong. I have a 3.95 cumulative and 3.9 Science GPA. I'm applying only to programs without a time limit on coursework. However, at what point do you f...
  8. Westminster University CRNA 2024

    This post hasn't been updated in a while. I hope you all got in! I'm applying to next year's cohort and looking for any insight into the interview process and what you like about the program if you're currently in it.
  9. Samuel Merritt University CRNA 2024

    Are there any updates on those waiting for interviews? Best of luck! Not applying this cycle but the next cycle. How did it go for all of you? If you have an insight into the interview process and can share, that would be nice. If not I unde...
  10. Ask me anything (CRNA)

    For those who have been accepted to a program or are currently applying, what techniques did you use to formulate interview replies? I feel like I have a wealth of experience and stories, but some of my answers feel too long or rehearsed. I'm current...
  11. Loma Linda University (LLU) CRNA APP 2024

    For those who applied to Loma Linda, how did you approach asking for the spiritual advisor's letter of recommendation?
  12. Humiliated and scared

    If your hospital has a union, I'd recommend reaching out to them. Alternatively, consider just getting a new grad position elsewhere. A hostile work environment like this is not where I would want to start as a new nurse. Although you have to take re...
  13. Feeling defeated with NCLEX... I need serious help.

    Do not be discouraged. Keep on pushing you will become a nurse! It may require you to make up a lot of the time you should've had in school building a strong base. Using YouTube channels some have listed here is a good start. Then revisiting practice...
  14. Failed NCLEX at 134 questions :(

    The key to passing the NCLEX is practice questions. There is such a wide amount of information covered that practice questions will give you hang of how to answer questions not just knowledge base. I recommend UWorld for the most accurate questions a...
  15. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) CRNA 2024 application

    It sounds like you're enjoying the program! I heard VCU underwent some leadership restructuring either last year or two years ago, and students felt it was somewhat disorganized leading them to struggle during didactics. It seems those kinks were res...
  16. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) CRNA 2024 application

    Hi, current applicant for the 2025 cycle here. This post is older, but hopefully, someone out there will see this! I'm looking to chat with current students or alumni about the program and what they've liked/disliked and overall experience. I'm on th...
  17. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) CRNA 2023

    Hi, current applicant for the 2025 cycle here. This post is old, but hopefully, someone out there will see this! I'm looking to talk to current students about the program and what they've liked/disliked and overall experience. If anyone is there plea...
  18. Which CRNA School to go?

    Hi @levotosevo, congrats on getting into school! From what I know, both programs are excellent. What a tough decision! Best of luck on your journey. I'm reaching out as an aspiring SRNA. I applied to two programs last fall and was interviewed f...