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About missy2b

tomboy princess

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  1. Of course they affect my morale. I am one of those pitiful souls who wears her feelings on her sleeve. I don't often feel insecure--I know my stuff. I can feel like a doormat, however, because I...
  2. chemotherapy certification

    If they don't, let me know so I never ever go
  3. oncology nursing and pregnancy

    Watch out for other things, too. In stem cell transplants, we deal with lots of active CMV and also hand out quite a bit of thalidomide (cause of limbless babies). Just be careful,
  4. 5 Most Important Clincal Skills as an oncology Nurse

    Bless you! Hmm, in real life I am so shy I don't give advice to anyone:imbar --You don't have to do a thorough thorough bath every day, but you do need to check her skin and make sure she is turning....
  5. Working at UAMS in Little Rock

    I have worked everything. Most floors push you to do the three 12's. It is cheaper for them. While on orientation--say you worked F/S/S days. You get no diff on Friday, 10% Sat, and 10% Sun. After...
  6. 5 Most Important Clincal Skills as an oncology Nurse

    1. knowledge first 2. ability/willingness to teach and learn--they will be going home eventually 3. empathy--there is a reason your head is getting bitten off 4. a smile when you don't feel like...
  7. Saddest--25 y/o single mother with successful tx for aplastic anemia who killed herself because her parents took her children away from her. She loved those kids soooo much and never complained...
  8. Ativan usage?

    We use it all the time--with Kytril as a premed and prn by itself. Modified doses for the elderly and renal impaired. Not nearly the confusion Phenergan can
  9. NP's on BMT floor???

    I work on a BMT floor and we have APNs in both inpt and outpt. They pretty much run the joint in the outpt clinic. Docs work inpt and do office appts. I think there are 8 or 10 of them, and most...
  10. oncology nursing and pregnancy

    In a bmt program that does >400 transplants a year, we have had one sick newborn (genetic problem) in 8 years, and it seems like there is always someone preggers, and most breastfeed for 8-12...
  11. Wow, Nesher did a great job of describing what goes on! Way to go! Also to be avoided are areas of construction and remodeling. There are ungodly things that can be stirred up and inhaled. Eating...
  12. Waldenstrom's Disease

    http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Sites-Types/WM It's not bad, but does need to be monitored closely. And Velcade is evil, just in case they start talking about
  13. New graduate - can I start my career at a cancer center?

    I agree. Outpatient is chaotic and takes split second decision-making and prioritizing. This ability, though crudely tested for on the ridiculous boards, is different in real life when four people...
  14. Medical Missions Trips?

    Oops, didn't mean to send that. Anyway, I have played the role of a medical assistant doing vitals before they saw the doc, a triage RN, a phamacist, a nurse practitioner, a wound care specialist, and...
  15. Medical Missions Trips?

    I've been to Ecuador, central Mexico, Senegal, Mali x2, and Peru x2. I went with my local church through the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptists and in, Peru, through an independent...