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About chunkymonkeyRN

chunkymonkeyRN has 24 years experience and specializes in Nursing.

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  1. Anesthesiology assistant You read a lot into be that
  2. Why would you risk it? If the job doesn't matter then quit the job and then date the
  3. This is nothing more than an AA mad that he cannot function independently like CRNAs can. That's all there is to
  4. South Carolina LPNs Arrested For Not Changing Wound Dressings

    If the number is actually dwindling I would suspect its because people don't want to work hard
  5. South Carolina LPNs Arrested For Not Changing Wound Dressings

    No one is forced to work at these places if the conditions are so bad. They documented it and didn't do it. You also have to wonder what else they may have documented but didn't do. I worked with a...
  6. Just be honest and don't leave anything out and I would imagine you will be just
  7. Am I Breaking HIPAA

    Why the need to vent online? if you have a valid issue and it sounds like you do, then you should talk with your co-worker about