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All Content by Missy123

  1. Drexel ACE Spring 2024

    Here's the link. This is for the ACE program Spring 2024 admitted students! https://facebook.com/groups/237172669433075/
  2. Drexel ACE Spring 2024

    Hello! I'll be attending Drexels ACE program in the Spring 2024 & would love to connect with others who are also attending! Has anyone created any sort of chat? If not, I will
  3. They didn't say anything about the waitlist size I don't think they can. They just said they'll be in communication early august for those on the waitlist. So there's still a chance I'm hoping since they're waiting till early august
  4. Also very anxious to know more about the waitlist. I emailed and they said "We will send out a final communication in early August for those who may still be on the waitlist. Applicants can choose to apply for Spring 2024 but I should note that subm...
  5. My application status still says under review so I'm not sure. Seems like that email was sent out to many people but there's no clarification. I wonder if there's a waitlist and if people are receiving acceptance letters yet.
  6. So they sent out an initial email saying that they weren't able to offer admission for fall of 23' and that they could roll our application over to Spring 24'. Then sent out another email a few hours later saying; "I have been getting a lot of e...
  7. Hi, has anyone else received the same emails from admissions about not being able to offer admissions for Fall 23'? The e-mails confused me.
  8. Has anyone heard anything?
  9. Hi how did you find out about waitlist acceptance?
  10. Has anyone heard any updates about the waitlist?
  11. Commenting to stay on this thread! Waitlisted for USF Orange County, keeping my fingers crossed for UNLV
  12. Got waitlisted. Staying optimistic! Congrats to those who got accepted ❤️