Kirsten Gonzalez MSN, APRN


About Kirsten Gonzalez

Kirsten Gonzalez has 11 years experience as a MSN, APRN.

Kirsten Gonzalez MSN, APRN, ACNPC-AG, practiced as a Registered Nurse in the Medical/Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at a level I trauma center for nearly ten years. She has also taught three semesters of students as a clinical instructor for nursing students completing their critical care rotations. Currently, she works as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner working with patients with Advanced Heart Failure with Left Ventricular Assist Devices.

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  1. Prospective students consider many things when seeking a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). To some, the most important consideration is cost. To others, it may be the program's quality, graduation rates, or how quickly it can be completed. F...
  2. Prospective students consider many things when seeking a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). To some, the most important consideration is cost. To others, it may be the program's quality, graduation rates, or how quickly it can be completed. F...