Incoming nurse

Incoming nurse

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  1. Hey guys! I'll be starting in the fall and was wondering for the current/past students which do you recommend taking before classes start. Pharmacology or pathophysiology. I know it's recommended to take both but I can only do one.
  2. Mount Sinai Phillips School of Nursing (PSON) ABSN Summer 2023

    Hey guys! I'll be starting in the fall and was wondering for the current/past students which do you recommend taking before classes start. Pharmacology or pathophysiology. I know it's recommended to take both but I can only do one.
  3. Mount Sinai Phillips School of Nursing (PSON) ABSN Summer 2023

    Thank you guys! Good luck to everyone!
  4. Mount Sinai Phillips School of Nursing (PSON) ABSN Summer 2023

    People that got accepted are you going to PSON or waiting to hear from other schools as well. Also does anyone know if the admission department will be willing allow someone to switch cohort. Example from Summer to fall cohort.
  5. Hi. Congratulations on being accepted. I also have my interview on Friday. If you don't mind, what kinda of questions were they asking for your interview