Mary R

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  1. Wow, I am amazed at how long of orientation people get. Our new grad program is a year - but that is classes. Actual working with a preceptor is 8 weeks for most units. I personally felt 6 would have been adequate when I started - but that was going ...
  2. Mary R

    EKG order

    I didn't think she was consulting cardiology but instead paging a cardiologist already consulted. If cards has seen my patient my hospitalists are going to ask why I am not paging them with any CP, arrhythmia, etc concerns. I go to the hospitalist se...
  3. Mary R

    Humiliated and scared

    Was this the only time? Oddly my hospital had the same thing happen - tech went AMA at night and found sleeping in massage chair - I don't know if they did a work up on her or not. However only a few weeks prior she put her head down on the desk, but...
  4. My hospital's policy is draconian. If you use your sick it doesn't count. But you only have 40 hrs a year (if full time) so if you need multiple days off because of illness than you wipe it out all at once. If don't use sick leave than you can use PT...
  5. Mary R

    New Grad Program, Not Meeting Goals

    I agree that they are trying to salvage the situation and see if there is something missing that they can do that will make things click for you. That being said I worry about how cavalier you sound about your errors. I just finished precepting a new...
  6. Mary R

    What was she thinking?!

    Honestly, in the hospital I float and I would say like 80% of nurses also refuse to answer the phone regardless of what they are doing (we don't have HUCs). Not going to hold SNF nurses to a higher standard.
  7. Mary R

    Was this unethical of me?

    You are allowed access to the info you had. Looking at it - even if just for curiosity - isn't unethical in my opinion. If you clicked into areas you didn't need to to then yes, that is a problem. But not for looking at the info allowed to you in you...
  8. Mary R

    I Made A Serious Medication Error: Help!

    I don't think this was the MARs fault. It isn't going to have the ability to tell you that you need to wait for another lab. From what I gather in your post the baseline lab was mistaken for the 6hr timed lab because it took 3 hrs to result. The ...