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About Mastersby2011

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  1. Renal care/dialysis jobs - what are they like?

    Hi, don't know what renal care group is like but I do work for Fresenius and they are ok. I agree with one of the other posting, most of the time it tends to be about profit. I have worked in dialysis...
  2. IV antibiotic infusions

    My clinic gives the antibiotic by pump over the last hour if it is not dialyzed out or immediately after if it is. They wanted us to direct drip it through and the nurses all had a fit. We felt it was...
  3. Sad and need ....

    I understand fully, I have turned down two jobs for the exact same reason. My patients need me. I know that one of these days I will end up leaving due to issues at my current employer but I will miss...
  4. Nclex Nightmare

    Congrats!!!!! You have now been through one of the toughest times in your life and survived. Good luck in what ever field you choose.
  5. Doctor/Nurse relationships

    I currently work with 4 docs. 3 are excellent to work with, value your opinion and and even ask what you think (you are with that patient many more hours a day than they are). The other one depends on...
  6. NCLEX Review book recs?

    We used the ATI books too,(the CD's were a waste of time) they books were helpful when I didn't remember something and needed the specifics to look it up. But I test better when I practice question...
  7. University of Phoenix Online for BSN

    I looked into their program and decided on an online program in Illinois. Cost is expensive on both but I was impresses with the staff I talked with at the other school. Plus the fact that I was able...
  8. NCLEX Review book recs?

    Kaplin and Saunders is what I used, both are excellent
  9. Just took the NCLEX

    HI, I took the NCLEX last Aug. got 75 questions. Stressed myself out for the two day waiting period and had to have someone else look at my results because I couldn't. My class had people who got...
  10. why turn off uf?

    WE have for years been turning the UF off if a patient is having BP issues or cramping. There is always an exchange in the dialysate to the blood and back with things like K+, Ca+, etc. and fluid...
  11. muscle cramping/pain

    After dialysis there is a fluid shift caused by less fluid in the vascular system than in the tissues. Fluid shifts usually happen sooner than 19 hours. If she had eaten high salt foods it would...
  12. New to Dialysis

    I agree with the others who posted, I have been in dailysis a long, long time and sometimes I can't hit the broad side of a barn. Sticking is a skill that you will learn and become more comfortable...
  13. is this typical ??? (long)

    I have been in dialysis over 14 years, worked for two different clinics and both facilities gave at least 3-4 months to train. You are better off there but don't give up on dialysis. It is a great...