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  1. They hired for Spring NICU spots during the last application pool because there were no open spots for fall. I don't know how many were hired (usually ICUs have like 2-4 spots). My guess is the next...
  2. It won't close close until the end of the time frame (29th or something)! Maybe just close out and try again in a little bit - I hope it comes back
  3. Try a different browser, I had that in for the Summer one
  4. It starts March 4 and applications are accepted on their portal September 18-29. It's a pretty easy app, walks you through and tells you everything to
  5. UCSD New Grad Residency November 2023

    Well I have written down November 13 but I don't know where I saw that and it really could be unit specific. Sorry it's not a definitive answer but hopefully it's close to the actual day
  6. UCSD New Grad Residency November 2023

    You are very much so not alone!! SD and california in general is likely the most saturated state for new grad nurses but in addition to that, as I see you've already noticed, there are a TINY amount...
  7. CTICU has also finished giving
  8. Med Surg and I just got my offer letter on my
  9. Awww thank you! Congratulations to you too! The manager of the unit called me first and then it was later in the workday (close to five) so I got my offer letter the day after (yesterday)! Mine was PT...
  10. I interviewed 8/3 and just received an offer yesterday from Zion! Praying for
  11. Has anyone heard back from CTICU yet! Fingers crossed - praying for
  12. There were nine questions total. 3 critical thinking left till the end. They asked the classic tell me about yourself and why you chose nursing. They asked why Kaiser and my strengths and weaknesses...
  13. Thank you!! It was really good!! It's a panel of five from each hospital and they are all so so kind! You'll do great - let us know how it
  14. CTICU is in review now. They interviewed the past three days or so. Hopefully, offers will go out soon - tomorrow or next