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About shd12

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  1. You're gonna get in ? I think up to 15 students get off the waitlist, or very least 10. So consider yourself in, congrats!
  2. Yes, it was a denial though. So maybe they just sent out denials yesterday which is a good sign! Wishing you luck
  3. UCLA decisions were released yesterday!
  4. Just waiting to hear back from UCLA!
  5. They always say you should hear back by the end of February LOL
  6. Dang I feel like at this point calls are over. They only have about 20 students to call.
  7. Do you have a status update on your portal?
  8. Hi, created this thread for those that applied to the 2024 UCLA MECN program. Has anyone heard back from them or know when we will hear something?
  9. Should take about 20 minutes to complete. You are given about 2 minutes of think time and have about a minute and a half to respond. I don't think it would be wise to answer anything in relation to the questions that were asked. While many would...
  10. I don't really remember the questions. However, I don't believe I can provide any information about the interview questions regardless. I can say that you are given about 30 seconds to a minute to think of your answer before recording. My advice woul...
  11. Did the interview last year. You have one chance to record your response. However, you can listen to it as soon as you stop recording, again you aren't able to make changes. I think it should take you max 30min to complete. Best of luck !
  12. Received a virtual interview invite too. Also received a link for a fellowship essay. I can't find any information on it through UCIs website. Anyone know anything?
  13. UCI MEPN Fall 2023

    Still haven't heard anything back since my interview. Emailed them and said we should know something by July....