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  1. Baylor Scott White Residency Summer 2023

    Does anyone know how the Graduate Nurse Permit works? If we get it and it lasts 6 months right? So even if we were to fail the NCLEX the first time (we won't ?), our pay wouldn't decrease until after...
  2. Baylor Scott White Residency Summer 2023

    My unit told me I can wear either navy or royal blue. IDK how the schedule will look though
  3. Baylor Scott White Residency Summer 2023

  4. Texas Health Graduate Nurse Residency Summer 2023

    Sorry, I didn't look right after ? right now it says "Not Selected for Further
  5. Baylor Scott White Residency Summer 2023

    When you do the employee health appointment do you need to go back at a later date for results or anything? I am planning a trip to Dallas soon to do my employee health but after that I probably won't...
  6. Texas Health Graduate Nurse Residency Summer 2023

    I asked my recruiter for an update and he let me know they chose someone else for the
  7. Baylor Scott White Residency Summer 2023

    I had 3-4 questions but only remember 2. They were: Tell me about a stressful time and how did you overcome it? Tell me about a time when you stopped a possible complication by looking at a...
  8. Texas Health Graduate Nurse Residency Summer 2023

    I had my L&D interview a few weeks ago, but hopefully they still have some sports open and you get an
  9. Texas Health Graduate Nurse Residency Summer 2023

    So sorry for not responding before your interview!! They asked me about a time when I had to overcome something, why THR, and I forgot the third question. How did your interview
  10. Baylor Scott White Residency Summer 2023

    Thank youuuuuu
  11. Baylor Scott White Residency Summer 2023

    I accepted an offer for Irving L&D ?I hope everyone was able to secure a job on the floor that they
  12. Can anyone share how their interview went for Women's Services? I might have one next
  13. Baylor Scott White Residency Summer 2023

    Thank you!! It went really well, the l&d manager was really
  14. Methodist Dallas Nurse Residency 2023

    Has anyone heard back for L&D or mother/baby? I applied January 30 and haven't heard anything
  15. Texas Health Graduate Nurse Residency Summer 2023

    Just heard from the recruiter that the L&D position at Arlington has been filled