Annaiya NP


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All Content by Annaiya

  1. Annaiya

    PNP or NNP.....what to decide?

    Most people I know who work 24 hours shifts do not want to go back to 12s. Although you're at work a long time, generally you get some down time during the 24 hours, and you get a lot more time off in between. It just depends exactly how they are s...
  2. Wow, that was completely not my reading of her post. I too have 3 years ICU experience and my CCRN. I don't know if you've taken the exam before, but it is HARD! It takes dedication and a brain to pass it. After 3 years of experience, if you are ...
  3. Annaiya

    Can an ACNP treat pediatrics in Texas?

    No I'm an AC PNP.
  4. Annaiya

    Can an ACNP treat pediatrics in Texas?

    I really wouldn't worry about missing out on jobs. Some EDs might require PNP certification, since they can see all ages, but if the adult AC program is anything like the AC PNP program you will still be fully qualified for specialty clinic jobs. T...
  5. Annaiya

    Can an ACNP treat pediatrics in Texas?

    I'm sorry you find this so frustrating, but I actually like how there are so many specialties for NPs. I think that gives us an advantage over PAs. We are focused on one thing and do that one thing really well. An ACNP is an ADULT acute care NP. ...
  6. Annaiya

    Can an ACNP treat pediatrics in Texas?

    There is no bright line rule, which is why you aren't finding one. And there shouldn't be. The question is too complex to not allow some flexibility. The ages that might be appropriate for one practitioner might not be the same for another. I do ...
  7. Annaiya

    Can an ACNP treat pediatrics in Texas?

    No you cannot see pediatrics as an ACNP, it is the same that a PNP cannot see adults. However, what constitutes a pediatric patient may vary depending on what you are doing. Your scope of practice agreement with the hospital you work for may have s...
  8. Annaiya

    New Grad Resume help!!!

    I put every single clinical experience on my resume and talked up each one as much as I could. You don't want to make your resume look crowded, but highlight the experiences you've had. The HR person looking at your resume likely won't know much ab...
  9. Annaiya


    I saw Rhabdo over the winter in a child with the Flu. It's one of the rare complications of Flu. I think it's interesting how varied the causes of it can be!
  10. Annaiya

    Cry for help: I don't think I can do this.

    Being a nurse is NOT like being a nursing student. Step back, take a breath, and start focusing on just 1 thing at a time. Don't pile on a job search with finishing school and NCLEX. That's too much. Just focus on what you have to get through nex...
  11. Annaiya

    Finding a nurse mentor

    Esme12, I love that flow sheet, and wish I had had that for my nursing student who just did her capstone with me. Only 1 thing that I saw needs to be changed. The second page should say (Treatment by Licensed Doctors or Nurse Practitioners). :)
  12. Annaiya

    Finding a nurse mentor

    I would talk to your clinical instructor. It sounds like you are not getting good clinical experiences at all! A good nurse can manage their patients and provide a good learning experience for their students. It doesn't take much extra time to ask...
  13. Annaiya

    How far in advance did you interview for jobs?

    I agree if you aren't willing to start in the next 2-3 months, then it's too early for you to apply. Most jobs will not be willing to wait that long.
  14. Annaiya

    How long after graduation for licensure

    It depends on how long it takes your school to get your transcripts sent to the certifying organization and then when you schedule your exam. Then you have to pass and the state has to process everything and give you a license. So it takes a couple...
  15. Personally, I would not want to attend a school that seems so disorganized and unfair to it's applicants. If that's just the interview to get in, imagine what the exams would be like! I agree with the other posters who said to spend some time think...
  16. Annaiya

    Too old, too new, too soon for free FNP??

    I agree, you're definitely not too old, and you might as well take advantage of a free education. My only addition to the discussion is don't do an NP program unless you really want to work as an NP. The schooling is much too hard, stressful and ti...
  17. Annaiya

    So I have a question about working in compact states

    Also, a compact license only lets you work across state borders without getting a license in that state. If you move to a new state, then you still need to go through the whole process of getting your RN license in that state. It would only be if y...
  18. Annaiya

    Soaking up all advice before starting Direct Entry MSN

    IMO, 4-5 years RN is experience is overkill by a lot. 1-2 years is plenty, and if you're looking to only do primary care then I really don't think you need any. If you really want to work in an ER, then I would say a couple of years of ER RN experi...
  19. I think you will find this attitude among RNs anywhere you go, especial when you're talking about ICU or ER nurses. And I think the transition can be difficult when you're switching roles in the same unit. You need to find what works for you in ter...
  20. Annaiya

    Did your GPA in NP school matter

    I really think it depends on what you value most. I really wanted a 4.0 for grad school. I wanted it for my BSN as well, but didn't even make it past the first semester. I did stress A LOT over grades during school and my school work came before e...
  21. Annaiya

    how much experience needed to become an NP

    I'm surprised your BSN programs discouraged going straight through for your NP. My school was really vocal about encouraging us to apply for NP school right away. They told us to apply before we graduated if we wanted to go straight through. But the ...
  22. Annaiya

    NP Independent Practice States

    I can't see any benefit by being regulated by the FTC. Nursing needs to be regulated by nursing. It would be nice to have more uniformity between states but I don't think that mandating uniformity is the way to go. Having model regulations is great a...
  23. Annaiya

    new RN Grad with NP questions

    Lol sorry, I meant to say that I was NOT disagreeing with you. My point was just that people not sure which specialty fits them better to look closer that the specifics of the education and not just some of the jobs that a particular person does. T...
  24. Annaiya

    new RN Grad with NP questions

    I'm disagreeing with you, but I think you have to be careful when saying that a certain NP can do something based on what you see them doing at work, compared to what their education prepares them to do. There are a lot of NPs working in areas and d...
  25. Annaiya

    Asked about salary expectations

    I had one employer ask me specifically for a number for salary during a phone interview. Although I think having an idea of salary is important, I really find it rude to ask the candidate that without offering what their salary range is. The usual ...