
RaeBae CNA

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  1. Congratulations!! After orientation tomorrow make sure you celebrate😊
  2. I don't think I've seen any other people taken off the waitlist post about it in this forum. But the waitlist will be open until May. Hold on to what hope you have!
  3. Some of the questions I got were: how would your friends describe you why nursing do you prefer classroom or clinical setting tell us about your medical experience The people I spoke with were very kind and friendly. If ...
  4. I don't have a facebook but can make one if that club invite becomes available again. Congratulations to everyone that made it! And hang in there for those that were waitlisted! 🤞
  5. I'm glad you found us! I was waitlisted, did an interview, and just got accepted.
  6. I just got moved from the waitlist to accepted!! 🥲 Do we have a group apart from facebook?
  7. Waitlisted 🙃 staying hopeful. Congrats everyone who got an immediate yes! Go and celebrate
  8. I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for being a part of this thread and wish y'all the best of luck. I'm sure we're all going to be refreshing our emails tomorrow so hang in there! Fingers crossed for everyone🤞
  9. Hi there! I wanted to start a forum for those of us applying to CSULA's ABSN Summer 2024 program. I hope we can help answer questions, offer stats, and support each other during this application cycle. All the best to everyone!
  10. Did anyone get an interview invite today? It seems like this week is the last week of interviews..?