Ann Fosque

Ann Fosque

Clinical Navigator

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About Ann Fosque

Ann Fosque has 25 years experience and specializes in Clinical Navigator.

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    I believe there has been an issue with NAPNES...I would try NALPN...they are trying to start-up a chapter in
  2. What is the toughest part of nursing?

    My statement was a general 1985, I worked in the ER and we were allowed to add a surcharge to patient's who had insurance for patients lacking insurance. Back then, I was able...
  3. What is the toughest part of nursing?

    Managed Care gone rogue...Corporate Mentality...patients are people, not furniture. I understand there was a need to cut off the "fat" now we are cutting into the "bone" Insurance...
  4. What is the toughest part of nursing?

    I have been a hospital employee for a very long observation can be summed up in a few words Managed Care Corporate Mentality Concierge Metrics Poor staffing with...
  5. Phasing Out ADN?

    I believe there is room in Healthcare for very level of Nursing. I personally know a LPN, who became a RN and is now an APN with her PHD. She is works as a Curriculum Administrator. Not...
  6. Phasing Out ADN?

    I agree...I have experienced the truth in this statement... 1st hospital...a Level II Trauma Center...worked nights...ER Registrar and Admitting & Bed Control Rep 2nd a Community...
  7. Phasing Out ADN?

    Point well taken...Thanks for
  8. Phasing Out ADN?

    Very good advice...a serious MVA prevented me from finishing my online education to
  9. Difference between Type&Cross and Type&Screen

    I know T&S may be ordered for OHS Cases if Cryoprecipitates are indicated to control bleeding by checking
  10. Phasing Out ADN?

    Very interesting me, this is not so simple...only because Hospitals are now corporations...managed care It would be wonderful to see them employ BSN Nurses for all acute care...
  11. Phasing Out ADN?

  12. Phasing Out ADN?

    Very nice...I'm proud of your far as phasing LPNs out, I doubt that will happen any time soon. Best
  13. Phasing Out ADN?

    Very Nice... Time will tell...we all have opinions...hopefully I am allowed to express mine Too bad Team Nursing is not an option...Team nursing is a system that distributes the care of a...
  14. Phasing Out ADN?

    Too bad Team Nursing is not an option...Team nursing is a system that distributes the care of a patient amongst a team that is all working together to provide for this person. This team consists of up...
  15. Can LPNs educate under their scope of practice?

    I really appreciate your prompt and kind response. Thank you very much BTW This question was posed with the state of New Jersey in