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About FutureNursingLegacy92

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  1. Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW) Nursing Fall 2023

    I would suggest you ask your employer or health department for a document with all vaccines taken and upload that. I have done that and all my immunizations are green. I just have to finish up my student health report & upload it.
  2. Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW) Nursing Fall 2023

    @Ycrescencio FSW told you to email castle branch to fix the old dates?
  3. Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW) Nursing Fall 2023

    @Newchapter2023 I have only 3 tasks to complete. For some reason I completed my drug test, fingerprints, & background but the task won't go green. It says a school administrator will determine eligibility. We should receive a packet after. Has an...
  4. Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW) Nursing Fall 2023

    I got all of it. It's all in CastleBranch.
  5. Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW) Nursing Fall 2023

    I found 2 that I liked on Amazon. One is the bistro croc. I think I'm going to go with that one.
  6. Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW) Nursing Fall 2023

    Yes! I got into Lee Nights & Weekends. I'm trying to currently get my checklist finished. I have about 3-4 tasks left. Did you get your white shoes yet? I'm so excited 😆
  7. Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW) Nursing Fall 2023

    My first is Lee campus. What about you?
  8. Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW) Nursing Fall 2023

    I think I did OK. I can't wait for the email to come for the suspense to be over. Currently I am interested in becoming a NICU nurse, but also can't wait to experience the other departments to see which I truly like best. I'm so excited but scared.
  9. Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW) Nursing Fall 2023

    Hey @Jas_mm I'm waiting for the same! I've been looking at my email non stop the day after testing just in case. LOL What speciality are you aspiring for?
  10. Hello Everyone! I’m currently taking prerequisites and hoping to apply by May 2023 Lord willing. I noticed that the previous program started a post and figured why not get one started for the next class. I’ll update this post when I apply and if/when...