Nurse Alexa MSN, RN


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All Content by Nurse Alexa

  1. Different facilities I believe have more respect of nurses than others. I've worked at a facility where there is little regard for the nursing staff. The director at this facility appeared to be available and listen to nursing concerns, but if ...
  2. Nurse Alexa

    Ethical Question

    Hi JDJones89, BSN These ethical dilemmas do happen. The first thing that jumps out at me is why exactly did the mother not want her child to be the first prescribed medication? (Was it because of side effects she's heard of this medication,? Or ...
  3. Nurse Alexa

    New to acute care and just not getting it.

    The best tip I could give you is to ask questions of your colleagues when you have them. You will be new to that unit and it is normal to not know everything coming from subacute to acute. I do not think that it's too late for you to go back to ...
  4. Nurse Alexa

    My New Position Makes Me Want To Drink

    I'm sorry that you're going through this BeckyRN. Have you tried to talk to your manager about needing more support on the unit? Since you are new it's important to have guidance from others - and it's not your fault that you feel this way. The ...
  5. Nurse Alexa

    A year in Nursing

    Hello WannabaNurse, When I was first deciding the next step - I thought about where I saw myself. For me, I've always loved education and pushing myself to my highest potential. In nursing, for me it was a given to go to the ICU. Do you lik...
  6. Nurse Alexa

    Time Out Poster Title

    Hope this isn't too late - I love creativity with healthcare presentations. 🙂 Examples: Time Out is Time Critical The Importance of a Time Out The Necessity of a Time Out
  7. Nurse Alexa

    Sabotaged at work

    Unfortunately, I have heard and seen many a times that "under investigation" is managements way of pushing people out the door. First off, I'm sorry that you are going through this. It's sad that you and openly explaining to them this work is to...
  8. Nurse Alexa

    Should I choose a Specialized DNP?

    I would do the generalized DNP if you are not certain about education. If you're looking into the aesthetics field - there's dermatology courses you can take which I am sure educational DNPs will not be taking Hope this helps 🙂
  9. Nurse Alexa

    Wound documentation

    I don't think anyone should ever copy your documentation - that is plagiarism and the HCP can face legal action (esp if there is free text that she/he just copy and pasted). You should speak with the HCP personally about copying you and let her know ...
  10. Nurse Alexa

    Why Do Nursing Students Fail Nursing Program?

    I think the majority of nurses failing school has to also deal with students not allotting enough time to adequately study for school. It's important students are not spread too thin, and if that means less work and more studying for school that...
  11. This is an important update for nurses who are not used to taking care of themselves! Nurses can be the most difficult patients, and a C-section is a very invasive surgery. It's important for recovery that nurses' follow these post-op directions clea...
  12. Nurse Alexa

    Nursing School Trouble

    Unfortunately some schools are just not for you. If this is your first choice, I would broaden your horizons into other college's in your area and price point. I also do not like that this school seems to change their requirements. They seem ver...
  13. Nurse Alexa

    CRNA/SRNA as a single parent

    I know individuals who have gone to school as single parents and what they have said is you really need that family/friend support with babysitting and individuals to support the kids. I would say organizing is key and scheduling your days so t...
  14. Nurse Alexa

    Rotating ICU or Specialized Unit (CVICU)

    I do believe that most CRNA schools prefer CVICU, even though they will tell you they do not. However, I do believe there is a huge benefit to having more knowledge than just CVICU. I worked in a Trauma ICU/MICU then transitioned to a CVICU, and I be...
  15. Nurse Alexa

    Med error

    I would think if there has been such an investigation into the medication given that the patient was potentially harmed by this incident. This is very unfortunate and is upsetting, but I can understand how wrong medications are given due to an extens...
  16. Nurse Alexa

    Question about local agency nursing

    A tax home is considered somewhere you have permanently lived for atleast 6 months. I am sure there is a limit to have long you can prolong your current contract, but you can still name your NJ residence a tax home if you have clear reasons why you s...
  17. Nurse Alexa

    Peer support on your unit?

    The organization of peer support on the 4 ICU units I have worked on are lacking. It appears that usually a few seniors take it amongst themselves to assist with questions, besides your main preceptor (when you're on orientation). I think this i...
  18. Nurse Alexa

    ICU internship

    Such a great experience to be in an ICU interview. Tips: 1. Be yourself! And tell them a little bit about you 2. Come prepared to the interview with answers to typical questions they would ask ie. What are you strengths and weakne...
  19. Nurse Alexa

    Narcolepsy in Child

    I have not had a student with narcolepsy, but I would imagine they'd take medications daily to prevent episodes. I would also speak with student about what works best for them - maybe there's a possibility for a night time clinical.
  20. Nurse Alexa

    6 Tips For Lowering Stress

    For me personally, ways that I deal with stress also include: 1. Gym/Yoga 2. Eating right and meal-prepping 3. Making lists; getting one thing done at a time
  21. Nurse Alexa

    Leaving Bedside

    I'm so sorry that you're going through a rough time in the ICU Nora. Why do you believe this change of heart has occurred? Is it from burnout and just being over-worked - too many demands on you as a nurse? These are all aspects of being an ICU ...
  22. I'm unsure as to why Hep C will be some common in the baby boomers. I have not noted this statistic in my own practice - I treat mainly individuals between 50-75 years old and I think I've had only a handful of patients' with Hep C. If the Hep C i...
  23. I believe passing in 75 questions is more common than we all think. I and most of the individuals in my nursing program passed in 75-125 questions. I think since you got such great predictor score - that you have good probability to have passed ...
  24. Nurse Alexa

    Discrimination Allegations

    This post frustrates me listening to individuals on the same test accuse each other. I think it's fair to say if this patient was an aggressive, large male that STRONG reinforcements are needed. Physically, a strong male is more intimidating to an ag...
  25. Safety watches are something separate - a constant observation for suicidal ideation and plan is serious. The patient's observation should not be taken seriously after something happens. but needs to be taken seriously from the get go. This is c...