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All Content by undisclosedandsecured

  1. BMCC Spring 2021

    hi if you retook the exam do you mind telling me if its the same versions or different im just curious?
  2. BMCC Spring 2023

    oh wow so many students who were very close did not get in, yes I heard about the waitlist but who knows, thank you for sharing it made me feel better LOL :') I thought the cut off would be 90% like last Spring. Many students with 85's and 3.8's got ...
  3. BMCC Spring 2023

    I did not get the email and unfortunately did not get in even though I had about a 92 overall grade with GPA and HESI, very competitive this semester, good job everyone!
  4. BMCC Spring 2023

    right.. thanks either way for the information! it's good to know we can at least start ahead of time with things.
  5. BMCC Spring 2023

    oh OK so if I got all those done the year prior for another cause then all I need to do is redo the TB test and flu shot and have the doctor sign right?
  6. BMCC Spring 2023

    What is required for the physical if I may ask?
  7. BMCC Spring 2023

    Hello! Thank you for this information, it has put my anxiety at ease for the time being... I applied for the day program.. hopefully we all get in 🙏🏼
  8. BMCC Spring 2023

    Hi guys im new here and also waiting for the results, extremely nervous.. has she reached out to anyone yet?