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  1. Does it say where it got routed to or what does it
  2. Have people been getting rejection letters
  3. Do you think they're still moving apps to hiring
  4. Thanks
  5. Oncology was my first and then med/surg units for my other
  6. So, if mine still says "under consideration" with no unit listed, does that mean I'm probably just denied? Not sure how it worked in the
  7. Anyone know why they just listed these on the careers page "National Resident RN Observation Telemetry Monitoring". There are a few and it says the app date is Oct 1st -15 (which was our application...
  8. What days were
  9. Yeah, that's super odd. Mine says 8100 (interviews) on my portal but haven't heard
  10. Which observation
  11. Mine changed too! Except for the Observation
  12. Same for
  13. I also hope so! I wonder how many positions are open and on what
  14. Do they just send applications to all the places
  15. so I'm assuming nobody has gotten an interview invite