
JR12toRN24 ASN, RN

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All Content by JR12toRN24

  1. Rehab OR Med Surg?

    Curiously, what did you end up doing and how did you like it? I'm getting ready to get my RN and haven't decided yet in where to go myself.
  2. Where do I belong?

    I am an LPN to RN student starting school in January. I have been an LPN for 11 years working in clinics. I want to get floor experience as an RN so one day when I have plenty experience and confidence, I can travel. I feel like I’m too picky though....
  3. Should I go for my LPN or RN?

    I just applied to an LPN to RN bridge program, hesitantly. I like nursing. I don’t love it but I need more opportunities to make better money and I would like to work on the administrative side of things eventually.
  4. LPN to ADN at age 64

    I’m so glad to have found this thread. I’m 44 getting ready to turn 45. I’m an LPN and thinking of going back for my BSN. I was feeling too old! Are there programs online that you can do? How do clinical work?