NurseWriter_AJP PhD, RN

Cardiovascular Disease, Substance Use

I'm a nurse scientist who likes to write for nurses and the general public.

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All Content by NurseWriter_AJP

  1. NurseWriter_AJP

    Telehealth is Here to Stay

    Telehealth and Nursing Care Before the COVID-19 pandemic, discussions about telehealth, the use and management of health care in whereby individuals manage aspects of their care with remote support from healthcare professionals, were minute. Whil...
  2. The Well-Being of Nurses Everywhere Over the last several years, nurses have come together and battled more than most other professions. We've stared COVID-19 in the face while helping our patients fight off other illnesses like the flu and RSV. ...
  3. COVID-19 has impacted the economy, how we interact with each other, food security, education, and life as we once knew it. Just when it seems we’ve gotten a handle on this virus, Monkeypox surfaces and has sent the healthcare system into a frenzy at ...
  4. NurseWriter_AJP

    DNP or PhD: Which One is for Me?

    In 2018, 18% of nurses in the United States held a graduate degree and about 1% of nurses had a doctoral degree. Many of the classes taught in nursing school focus on nurses effectively managing problems that may require patients to be hospitalized; ...