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All Content by MidwestRN15

  1. Congratulations! I don't think anyone has created a group chat or FB page, let us know if you
  2. I got both. I could view the official letter through the application
  3. I declined my seat as I got accepted to another program closer to home. Best of
  4. I just got an email
  5. Check your emails!!
  6. Mount Marty University CRNA start 2024

    I got accepted this week as well! I will be declining though as I got accepted to a program closer to home, best of luck
  7. I got an acceptance last week! Has anyone else
  8. Yes! Very much agreed. I thought I heard early to mid December but I could be mistaken. Fingers crossed!! Best of
  9. To those who also interviewed, would love to hear your thoughts on how it
  10. It did not
  11. 10/13. I think interviews are end of Oct/early
  12. I was offered an interview on
  13. Hi! Wondering if anyone else interviewed for the UW La Crosse/Mayo Clinic CRNA
  14. Mount Marty, Saint Marys and La Crosse! Best of luck
  15. Where have you all
  16. I applied as well! I have not heard anything
  17. Mount Marty University CRNA start 2024

    Hi! I applied, have not heard anything
  18. Thank you for sharing!! Best of luck on your CRNA journey
  19. I interviewed and haven’t heard anything back yet. I’m assuming they let you know via email? Thank you for
  20. Hi! Have you heard anything yet?? I’m so anxious for an
  21. I think they are interviewing around 40 and accepting
  22. What did you
  23. UW Lax/Mayo Health Sys CRNA 2022

    Hi! Wondering if you could provide any feedback on the UW LAX CRNA interview/program!