

Critical Care

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About MidwestRN15

MidwestRN15 specializes in Critical Care.

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  1. Congratulations! I don't think anyone has created a group chat or FB page, let us know if you
  2. I got both. I could view the official letter through the application
  3. I declined my seat as I got accepted to another program closer to home. Best of
  4. I just got an email
  5. Check your emails!!
  6. Mount Marty University CRNA start 2024

    I got accepted this week as well! I will be declining though as I got accepted to a program closer to home, best of luck
  7. I got an acceptance last week! Has anyone else
  8. Yes! Very much agreed. I thought I heard early to mid December but I could be mistaken. Fingers crossed!! Best of
  9. To those who also interviewed, would love to hear your thoughts on how it
  10. It did not
  11. 10/13. I think interviews are end of Oct/early
  12. I was offered an interview on
  13. Mount Marty, Saint Marys and La Crosse! Best of luck