Rate your pain

Rate your pain

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  1. Wondering if I am cut out for bedside nursing

    That sounds pretty normal to me. It's a really tough job. I would put in at least one full year or two, if you can handle it. Then, you have SO many options! If you're not in therapy, I would advise...
  2. Wanting to quit my NICU job!!

    Did they start you on feeders and growers? Are you ready to move on to more difficult tasks? Perhaps that's why you're feeling the way you do? If so, you need to speak up.?Also, night shift can be...
  3. Advice for a New grad ICU vs Oncology

    I would pick the best inpatient position. It's much more difficult to get into the hospital from the outside than getting in at the start. You can always move elsewhere
  4. Travel Nursing with Reprimands?

    Don't give up! I don't have any advice except to keep applying. And be honest. Hopefully someone will offer you another
  5. Why do some fairly new nurses talk down about bedside nursing?

    I've noticed a trend with my kids and their friends—they don't want to pay their dues. They don't want to start out at the bottom and work their way up. They are not very interested in doing any...
  6. Nursing Exam Failure Rates Spark Review

    I think dumbing down the test is a really bad idea. Dumbing down tests results in ill prepared people serving in positions where they can cause tremendous harm. Plus, it’s the last barrier for...
  7. Random drug testing- how paranoid are you?

    I’m a little paranoid. I didn’t take one narcotic prior to having spine/back surgery, when I was in major pain. I don’t eat poppy seed anything. I will take a half dose of a 0.5 mg benzo once a...
  8. New Grad 10 Months Out Needs Help Landing A Job

    I've interviewed nurses in the past. I find honesty works. I had surgery, it was during Covid, there were a lot of delays, I am 100 percent fine now. I would have been totally fine with that answer....
  9. is Nursing School HARDER than Medical School?

    Medical school is harder. The hours are longer. The volume of material to learn is much greater. The stress is greater. I really do not believe the two can be compared. Medical boards vs the NCLEX?...
  10. New Nurse, New Mom

    When I worked nights, in the beginning it was difficult for my husband to understand that I needed to sleep during the day. After one long shift, he called me at noon to let me know that chicken...
  11. Misinformation and Medicine

    I’m not presenting it as right wing or left wing. I explained how I believe the public saw it. Perception is very important and the medical community, I believe, harmed itself. Yes, Fauci lied. He...
  12. It isn’t a vaccine. Perhaps you want to educate yourself about the definition of
  13. Mandating an experimental vaccine for children scares the heck out of me. The virus has mutated. It is less virulent but more contagious (the nature of a virus). Children are suffering more from RSV...
  14. Wrong Department?

    Completely absurd to state that a new nurse should be precepting. What a disaster. Is that just a cover up for not having any experienced staff left? My inner cynic is working overtime these
  15. Misinformation and Medicine

    At the beginning of Covid, fear was rampant. Inaccuracies and flat out lies were distributed by Dr. Fauci and the CDC (such as masking not being necessary for non-health care workers). Then the...