

Combat Support Hospital; Geriatrics

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About Jedi_Iatros

Jedi_Iatros specializes in Combat Support Hospital; Geriatrics.

Warrior Medic

Latest Activity

  1. Microbiology Spring 2007

    Today was my first day taking Microbiology. I was half asleep coming from the NOC shift ;-) Tommorow: Intro to Physiology and English 1A. Saturday: Human Anatomy and
  2. Is LTC really this bad?
  3. Can you get a job just inserting Iv's

    I want to do this as
  4. Good Bye to Nursing for me...

    There are days where I would rather get deployed to Iraq than be a LVN charge nurse at any of the nursing homes/med surg floors I've worked at. But, I'm going to become an RN anyway (I'm not wasting...
  5. Is LTC really this bad?

    I quit recently. I miss the residents, but not the bs and hospital politics of
  6. Who Must "Take the Fall?"

    I'm done working LTC. For 3 years I've been taking all kinds of abuse from management, family, residents, and other co-workers. I'm done! Right now, I'm working as a unit clerk/tele tech (not exactly...
  7. Interviewing for an ER Tech job & have questions

    Alot of California hospitals require that you be ortho casting or EMT certified. As for ACLS, military medical personel should have no problems getting that via RTS-MED. I don't know why an ER/ED tech...
  8. scabies

    We usually got our scabies outbreak from homeless patients. Elimite's supposed to be carcinogenic (atleast with mice) if used
  9. Telemetry Monitor Errors

    We used to do that for "fun" back in the
  10. NGT placement

    Here...this should help you out:
  11. Do you read your own EKGs?

    You need somebody like me to read them and DO the treatment at the same
  12. What if CNA won't work?

    My CNAs don't mess around and they better not. Why? Because I'll sick the local ombudsman or the residents families on them if I found out that they are doing less than proper care (like turning pts...
  13. How do they post DNR in the patients rooms at your LTC

    We don't. It's a HIPAA thing. We're supposed to know who's full code and who's DNR/C&C by heart. Otherwise, we have forms in our resident's chart and in our report
  14. do you feel like the CNA's run the floor?

    I loved it when my CNA's take charge. It's better than having lazy workers yapping on their cellphones the whole shift. I actually encourage them so when they become licensed in nursing, they'll be...
  15. Do EMT's have more skills than LPN's?

    There's basically 3 types of EMTs. EMT-Basic EMT-Intermediate EMT-Paramedic Only paramedics can surpass LVNs skills wise. EMT B's aren't allowed to start IV's and they can only assist the patient with...