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About Bonniehunt14

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  1. Duke CRNA 2023

    @ccu_rn77 We had until November 4th to decide!
  2. Duke CRNA 2023

    Congratulations @CICUtoSRNAhopeful and @Cm2015! I made a facebook group for our cohort if you’d like to join ? Here is the link or you can search “Duke CRNA class of 2026”
  3. Duke CRNA 2023

    @cvicurn2598 I felt okay about my interview. It was really intense and short but we laughed a few times and it broke the tension. I felt like I couldn’t articulate my point during personal questions because I was nervous which frustrated me ? Overall...
  4. Duke CRNA 2023

  5. Duke CRNA 2023

    I’ve been a wreck all week anticipating the decisions! I hope we don’t have to wait until Monday! ?
  6. Duke CRNA 2023

    @ccu_rn77 Aww oh no! Why? ?
  7. Duke CRNA 2023

    So how does everyone feel after their interviews?! ?
  8. Duke CRNA 2023

    I’m late to the party but I applied and received an interview invitation! I chose October 14th ?
  9. Barry University CRNA starting in May 2023

    I didn’t submit a shadowing form. I included my shadowing experience in my CV :)
  10. Barry University CRNA starting in May 2023

    @JTRN88 Congratulations!!
  11. AdventHealth University - CRNA 2023

    I got the call!
  12. AdventHealth University - CRNA 2023

    Nope ?
  13. AdventHealth University - CRNA 2023

    @FLRNgirl 40 mins between the two ?
  14. AdventHealth University - CRNA 2023

    I just finished my interview! It went well, they are all very nice. It was a long interview- a total of 40 minutes. Mostly personality, judgement, and preparation questions with a few clinical questions.
  15. AdventHealth University - CRNA 2023

    @GACCRNA My interview is August 25th ?