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All Content by milli83

  1. BMCC FALL 2022

    Then Congrats to us!! Are you going into the day or night program?
  2. BMCC FALL 2022

    Does the zoom invite mean we are accepted??
  3. BMCC FALL 2022

    Nothing on my end....
  4. BMCC Nursing Fall 2022

    ha ha that's true. I don't understand the hold up either especially when they know orientation is a week later.
  5. BMCC Nursing Fall 2022

    It looks like they found out on June 29 last year....ugh and then there is an orientation a week later
  6. BMCC Nursing Fall 2022

    nooooooooo 😞
  7. BMCC Nursing Fall 2022

    I am just about to finish 420 so if I can help at all let me know!
  8. BMCC Nursing Fall 2022

    I have no idea about when in June we will find out. All I remember her saying was that she will make decisions in June.
  9. BMCC Nursing Fall 2022

    I got a 90% overall and 970 on critical thinking. My GPA is 4.0 so I am hoping I still have a chance of getting in I was told the CT does get factored in by the school, just not on the HESI results you see online. It sounds like you are good e...
  10. BMCC FALL 2022

    I scored a 90% overall with 970 on critical thinking and have a 4.0 GPA. Hoping I make the cut!! Reading comprehension was what brought my score down the most 😞