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All Content by aku_b

  1. does the link to the discord work for anyone else? just tried to join but it says the invite was invalid
  2. The Winter intercession 2023 calendar from ---------------------’s email says classes begin February 6th and that’s when classes start for the whole college too so I think it’s safe to say Feb. 6th 😊
  3. CSU Long Beach Fall 2022

    I see. Yeah I was surprised as to how short the comm exercise was, so what you’re saying makes sense. I don’t recall her mentioning that the rest of the applicants would be put on an alternate list. I thought ~15 to 20 would be on the waiting li...
  4. CSU Long Beach Fall 2022

    Same here.. reading past forums gave the impression it was going to be a bit lighthearted? And you’re not the only one—my answer was short as well 😅 felt pretty bad too. But treat yourself for showing up and trying! You made it this far after all!
  5. CSU Long Beach Fall 2022

    Is that how it works? What gave you that idea? Genuinely curious bc I don’t understand this process 😩
  6. CSU Long Beach Fall 2022

    Does anyone know what the communication exercise is like?