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All Content by whoopee

  1. Hello Suzanne :) I've sent my application to Vermont & would like to go ahead with my registration with PearsonVue which I know will be valid for only 365 days. I understand that Vermont BON does their own Credentials Evaluation. I am a RN holdin...
  2. WhooooooHooooooo!! Thank you so much Suzanne. :balloons: for you. :)whoopee:)
  3. Hi Suzanne I think my above question got missed coz it was accidentally typed in tiny font. My application to Vermont will be sent tomorrow so if this is going to turn around & bite me, pleeeeeeease stop me. Thank you :)
  4. Hi Suzanne, Many thanks for your reply. I've since read some of the previous posts & realized that you've already given answers to some of my questions. I'm sorry to have made you repeat :imbar. I'm sure I echo the sentiments of many when I ...
  5. Hi Everyone, I'm new in all nurses. This is my first post & i hope i'm doing it right. Hi Suzanne, I sent a pte email to you not knowing how to make a post. I have the same questions in the email as I do here so, sorry for the repetition. I'...