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All Content by doskf

  1. Hey! I was accepted with 40 points. I will be declining in order to pursue other options. Best of luck to everyone!
  2. MSMU ABSN FALL 2022

    I mean not really. Sure, I would love to know why I was denied but they probably have hundreds of people applying and they need to focus on those that are actually being accepted.
  3. MSMU ABSN FALL 2022

    That's just a standard response (I got it too). My GPA is 3.81 undergrad and 4.0 grad and I've never repeated any courses so who knows the real reason.
  4. They breakdown what the evaluation sheet is on their website (see link). Unless you have in-progress courses, you just have to wait to hear whether you are accepted or not.
  5. MSMU ABSN FALL 2022

    Just got an email notifying me of an update to my application status. I wasn't admitted. Good luck to everyone!
  6. Kayla, I received my evaluation on Friday. I submitted my application in late December and sent over my in-progress transcripts early January to finish it out. I don’t have points yet though because of those 2 in-progress classes.
  7. @kayh08 when you are filling our your application there is a section for you to upload the PDF version of your TEAS score
  8. Hey there! I also applied. I have 2 pre-reqs in progress so hopefully that doesn't negatively affect my chances. Good luck to everyone!