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All Content by Amy White FNP MSN BSN RN

  1. Amy White FNP MSN BSN RN

    Constipation Matters, Cause and Treatment

    Constipation can slow you down and at times can make you feel bloated, gassy, and irritable. Constipation is defined as a stool frequency of less than three bowel movements per week that can involve having to strain and pass hard stools. Let’s l...
  2. Amy White FNP MSN BSN RN

    Constipation Matters, Cause and Treatment

    amoLucia, can I use your real name for a testimonial from you on my diarrhea article for my website?
  3. Amy White FNP MSN BSN RN

    Constipation Matters, Cause and Treatment

    Thanks for all the comments and feedback. I guess what I was eluding to when I said low fiber with adhesive disease and keeping stools soft and moving is I see lots of folks taking in large amounts of fiber without enough water intake and causing imp...
  4. Amy White FNP MSN BSN RN

    Potential Causes for Changes in Bowel Habits

    Constipation article posted Friday! Check it out! Thanks for suggesting!
  5. Amy White FNP MSN BSN RN

    Potential Causes for Changes in Bowel Habits

    Loose stools, or diarrhea, can be annoying, frustrating, and downright disruptive to everyday life. We are going to look at several potential causes for this change in bowel habits that can be addressed and treated effectively so life can be more enj...
  6. Amy White FNP MSN BSN RN

    Potential Causes for Changes in Bowel Habits

    amoLucia, I am starting my nurse writing business and website. Can I use your comment on my article as a testimonial on my website page?
  7. Amy White FNP MSN BSN RN

    Potential Causes for Changes in Bowel Habits

    Thanks for your feedback! I will definitely work on a constipation article! Great idea!