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All Content by newnurse1212

  1. UMass Medical School GEP DNP 2022

    Has anyone interviewed yet? My interview is scheduled for this coming Thursday for the FNP track. What tracks did you all apply to?
  2. YALE GEPN 2022

    So happy to hear your interview went to well! If you wouldn't mind sharing, what types of questions were asked? Did the interviewer give you a chance to ask questions? Did they mention when students will hear about acceptance or how many studen...
  3. Northeastern Direct Entry Fall 2022

    Thanks for all the advice! Does that mean people can still be accepted and just be not offered an interview?
  4. Northeastern Direct Entry Fall 2022

    Any chance you could share your stats and background? Congrats also!
  5. Northeastern Direct Entry Fall 2022

    That is great to know! Thank you! Which specialty did you interview for? I have yet to hear anything which makes me nervous. Also, what kinds of questions did they ask? Did they try to trick you up at all?
  6. UH Manoa GEPN Cohort 2022

    Good Idea, I just followed up! Seems odd I have yet to hear anything. ? It seems that people who were accepted or an alternative got an email and people who were denied received a letter in the mail? Also, were you emailing the gepn emai...
  7. Northeastern Direct Entry Fall 2022

    Hi there, I still have not heard anything from Northeastern. Should I be worried? You guys only submitted everything through nursingcas right?
  8. UH Manoa GEPN Cohort 2022

    Has anyone not heard anything still? I have received nothing in the mail and nothing through email. I sent a follow up email the week before Christmas and they said I should hear within the following week or so. Still nothing..... Would y...