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All Content by MedicOneEight

  1. UVA CNL - 2022

    I would definitely join the page!
  2. UVA CNL - 2022

    I did, received acceptance notification earlier this week!
  3. UVA CNL - 2022

    I feel like it went really well. At least I hope my feeling is correct. So now just have to wait!
  4. UVA CNL - 2022

    Aside from having my interview this week, I haven’t heard anything else yet.
  5. UVA CNL - 2022

    I ended up getting my interview invitation email this afternoon. Hopefully you got yours too! Glad that it came but now time to stress about the interview LOL.
  6. UVA CNL - 2022

    I am anxious as well. I figured this would be the week based on what previous years have said, so it’s a very tough waiting period!
  7. UVA CNL - 2022

    I submitted my application as well. Surprised there isn’t a thread for this as there has been one for all the previous years. I searched to see what everyone was saying about when interview invitations went out.