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All Content by 2022hopeful

  1. Ontario BScN Accelerated Program Fall 2022

    McMaster just called and gave me an offer around 6 p.m today. I turned in down since I already accepted Nipissing. Keep an eye out and Good Luck!!
  2. Ontario BScN Accelerated Program Fall 2022

    Yeah it said refused admission. And I think so!
  3. Ontario BScN Accelerated Program Fall 2022

    Yeah it truly sucks?. I wish you luck with everything ?
  4. Ontario BScN Accelerated Program Fall 2022

    Just got rejected to UofT!!
  5. Ontario BScN Accelerated Program Fall 2022

    I declined my offer from Western and accepted Nipissing. A spot should open up soon to anyone on the waitlist. Good Luck
  6. Ontario BScN Accelerated Program Fall 2022

    Mine says "application received" still.
  7. Ontario BScN Accelerated Program Fall 2022

    I just got an offer from Nipissing!
  8. Ontario BScN Accelerated Program Fall 2022

    I’m in the same boat as you that’s why I called them last week. They said it shouldn’t affect your waitlist standing. They will still call the people in their waitlist (in order from first to last ) regardless if they accepted their offer elsewhere!
  9. Ontario BScN Accelerated Program Fall 2022

    May I ask why you’re choosing Western over UofT?
  10. Ontario BScN Accelerated Program Fall 2022

    Congrats!! Around what time?
  11. Ontario BScN Accelerated Program Fall 2022

    Just got rejected to Mac
  12. Ontario BScN Accelerated Program Fall 2022

    Its up on OUAC now!
  13. Ontario BScN Accelerated Program Fall 2022

    ^^ Same here.. I got into WESTERN as well! Check your portals everyone! Is there any group chat for Western? Thank you!
  14. Ontario BScN Accelerated Program Fall 2022

    Congrats on your offer! Did you receive a call or an email from Nipissing?
  15. Second Entry Nursing Fall 2022

    Oh thank you for letting me know. I will check that forum out.
  16. Second Entry Nursing Fall 2022

    Any news from UofT yet? It seems like there's a delay in sending their offers. I think last year's forums got their first acceptance on Friday, April 9th. I was wondering if they will release their first-round tomorrow or next week Friday?
  17. Second Entry Nursing Fall 2022

    For sure! My cGPA is 3.9/4 and 3rd Quartile Casper (Its probably the Casper result LOL) I know right? And yeah I really hope so too. We got this ?
  18. Second Entry Nursing Fall 2022

    Hey guys! I think Nipissing just sent out their acceptance and I got waitlisted! Anyone here got accepted?
  19. Second Entry Nursing Fall 2022

    Hey guys! To anyone who applied to Lakehead Compressed Nursing, check your emails. I just got accepted!!! I’m gonna be a NURSEEEEE
  20. Second Entry Nursing Fall 2022

    Hi there! I was wondering what kind of questions do they ask during the interview? How long did your interview take? Im bad at interviews so any input is truly appreciated!