
Charlcie BSN, RN

Travel Nurse, All ICU specialties and ED

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All Content by Charlcie

  1. Where do you go when you don't trust official data sources?

    Personally I don't have any issue with the information released by the CDC or WHO. However, I am aware that there is currently distrust. I recommend people who do not trust the WHO or CDC to reputable research institutions who do not have any reason ...
  2. Potential Hurricane Ida landfall in Louisiana?

    when I was on contract in New Orleans (during hurricane season ? LOL) Most of us had a "go bag". It had all the things in it needed for emergencies, normal stuff like scrubs and underwear, plus extra things like chargers, snacks, power bank, water fi...
  3. this is so scary! I feel like we are at a serious risk of running out of supplies and equipment if things are this bad and we are just now seeing cases here where I am up north.
  4. Which Religions Exempt Covid Vaccinations?

    my ex and his family are muslim and they get all their vaccines and were so excited to get the covid vaccine.
  5. So, It's Come To This...

    honestly I think this is a good idea. I just wonder how long they will be able to staff a place like this. I work for a large healthcare organization and they have openly shared numbers and data regarding covid admits at each hospital and what percen...
  6. Doctor refuses to treat the unvaccinated

    Many people have given reasons... the physician himself said he did not want to see anyone else in his care die from a preventable disease. Others included that the unvaccinated could unintentionally infect others in the waiting room or common areas....
  7. Doctor refuses to treat the unvaccinated

    LOL right?! years ago someone told me to ask my vet about it as heartworm prevention for my dog and he flat out told me it was too dangerous. If my dog can't take it I'll probably steer clear too! The proven safe and effective vaccine will do for me,...
  8. Doctor refuses to treat the unvaccinated

    Oh I didn't mean anyone should be excluded from care, I just meant that this has been hard on everyone and I try to see both sides of things. I want to stress that no patient who arrives and needs immediate care should be refused or treated poorly, t...
  9. Doctor refuses to treat the unvaccinated

    Its also important to note that this isn't just a preventable disease, it's a contagious one. If a patient kills themselves with poor lifestyle choices dies from complications of DM, obesity, drugs etc., then that is very sad, but (other than burdeni...
  10. Doctor refuses to treat the unvaccinated

    in this particular case I don't think it is out of spite. The only instances I know of are when Nephrologists and Dialysis clinics turn down patients after years of non-compliance, because they take up chairs and appointments that they never show up ...
  11. Doctor refuses to treat the unvaccinated

    JiveTurkey- I imagine we will see a lot more of this... it's sad to take care of these people in the ICU when I don't even know them, I can't imagine taking care of patients over their life span then watching them die a slow death or become permanent...