
Charlcie BSN, RN

Travel Nurse, All ICU specialties and ED

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All Content by Charlcie

  1. TX abortion vigilantes

    Also nothing wrong with voicing your opinion and viewpoint without using emotional language or being insulting.
  2. Advice please

    Keep your new job! I imagine you are struggling to adjust because at your old job 1) you felt needed. 2) you didn't even have to think about it, you KNEW you were good at your job. There are many new people at this new place, and more coworkers = mor...
  3. Unvaccinated: Indefensible

    It makes me sad that those poor UFO siting people got ostracized for decades as crazies and now "Lizard People" ?is a reasonable explanation of current events, so much so that people are comfortable sharing the idea with others AT THEIR JOBS ?
  4. Unvaccinated: Indefensible

    that got more and more bizarre as I read it! it'd be funny if it wasn't so shocking that people really believe in that stuff...
  5. Termination From Employer For Refusing EUV

    You can choose not to be vaccinated. When they start tying people down and vaccinating them against their will or throwing them in prison, it will be a violation of the nuremburg code.
  6. Yes, I'm Vaxxed But...

    Can you imagine the conspiracy theories ??? LOL
  7. @MunoRN thank you for the link! it was very informative.
  8. Leaving Your Job Due to Mandate

    So far it's not required by my agency but if it's required for the hospital its mandated or I cant get the contract.
  9. Texas Abortion Law

  10. Unfair Grading

    I agree with standing up for yourself in nursing, however it does not seem like your instructor did this out of malice. You were graded fairly as you were deducted the points you missed. Chalk it up to maybe your partner got lucky and the instructor ...
  11. Taking student to bathroom

  12. Pushed by quacks, use of Ivermectin is poisoning people

    Thank you for the data! My issue isn't with Ivermectin or it's efficacy/safety. It's that there are safe and effective vaccines for Covid. Sure, let's study Ivermectin in the infected, but by encouraging people that this is an effective treatment man...
  13. So, It's Come To This...

    Please tell me how you came to this conclusion? I've never once said force was (or wasn't) the answer. Anyways, I'll say it a different way: I think it is strange that this business is literally advertising to appeal to unvaxxed staff the way that ot...
  14. The Vaccination Gap: Leading with Empathy

    This is so sad. I worry it is going to get worse, in every state, and we will hear these stories over and over again
  15. Covid-19 Religious Exemption

  16. So, It's Come To This...

    The biggest issue is using not requiring vaccination as a selling point.
  17. Covid and Non-Covid on Same Floor?

    I've worked with it both ways. Currently our ICU has both. I agree it seems way more stressful from a nursing standpoint and not very responsible in general given the high transmission rate.
  18. thank you for this !
  19. Covid and Hospitals: How are things now?

    I’m from Texas but on contract up north. I touched base with some old ER buds and they flew a pt from our ER in central tx to Colorado last week bc it was the closest ICU bed .
  20. Leaving Your Job Due to Mandate

    And ironically it seems like most politicians have chosen to vaccinate and are the first to run to the hospital for the sniffles ? not that it matters but im a born and raised republican from the Deep South and even I think this is ridiculous. Yes, i...
  21. How to Stop the Mass Nursing Exodus?

    No way. I've seen this at every contract I have worked at since covid started. It's now common place to triple ICU nurses as part of the normal staffing grid. Even during the time when covid cases decreased and census and staffing were more "normal" ...
  22. So, It's Come To This...

    very true! Even if they could they probably would never know or assume that a HCF was advertising not requiring vaccines as a selling point ?‍♀️
  23. Where do you go when you don't trust official data sources?

    You're welcome. I personally wasn't worried about getting vaccinated but I know many who were and still are. Sources like this helped me feel reassured and confident in my decision to vaccinate and encourage others too as well. I think we all have so...
  24. Covid and Hospitals: How are things now?

    this makes me so sad. I hope the patients could not see them. I cannot imagine how upsetting it would be to see these protestors as a sick, frightened patient. It's so infuriating.
  25. My Covid Story: From the Other Side of the Bed

    Thank you for sharing! I am so glad you are finally starting to see some consistent progress to your recovery! I can only imagine how sad and frustrating this process was going from working like normal one day then having this long and exhausting rec...