

PICU, ICU, Transplant, Trauma, Surgical

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About MegNeoNurse

MegNeoNurse has 4 years experience and specializes in PICU, ICU, Transplant, Trauma, Surgical.

Back at it... hoping to start CRNA school August 2012!

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  1. To Filter or Not to Filter

    The NICU I worked in didn't filter lipids. I now work PICU and we "Y" our lipids in above the filter. Keep in mind, kids that get TPN and Lipids at home get the TPN and Lipids mixed in the same bag...
  2. Sedation Woes...

    Yes, pentobarb for sedation. Works wonders for these kids who build up such tolerances to fentanyl and
  3. Pain management post open heart surgery?

    How frustrating to have a relative going through this and not receiving adequate pain control! It is SO important for post-op hearts to becomes extubated ASAP and ambulatory! As is pain control....
  4. BP Cuff Readings vs. Arterial BP

    Art line. It should be a WORKING art line if you have a pt on pressors. I am glad to work in a teaching hospital with residents available (although not always helpful) 24/7 if the attending is not...
  5. What is the highest temp you have seen?

    Mid/High 41.0 (Celcius... in the US but our system uses Celcius kinda surprised more don't!). I take care of a lot of transplant and trauma patients. Closed head trauma is what comes to mind right...
  6. Best floor for experience prior to ICU

    It sounds like you have a good path planned for jump starting your nursing career :). What type of ICU do you aspire to work in? Trauma/transplant, burn, neuro, cardiac? Depending on the type of...
  7. Computer linking

    I have always had computer charting, we were trained in this is nursing school. Our legal classes even discussed aspects of best charting practice in reference to computer charting. So I am speaking...
  8. Temperature. Where do you go?

    We take axillary on patients unable to otherwise take oral temps on (so pretty much everyone). Very rarely have esophageal probes. Never taken a rectal, but a lot of our patients are transplant (inc...
  9. Just got hired as a CNA in the ICU

    The CNAs in the unit I work in do a lot: vitals, baths, help with repositioning, blood glucoses, answer call lights, stock rooms, set up rooms for admissions, record vitals and notes during procedures...
  10. Sedation Woes...

    The only time we use propofol is SOMETIMES in the 12 or so hours prior to planned extubation since the half life is so short. I know the adult units use it more often, but our intensivists don't use...
  11. Sedation Woes...

    What do you use routinely for sedation on patiently requiring mechanical ventilation? Our first line routine is fentanyl @ 1mcg/kg/hr and midazolam at 1mcg/kg/min and we increase as patient needs to...
  12. What do you guys use for art lines??

    We use an inline system as well for art lines. Transpac® Disposable Pressure Transducers by ICU medical. We put a T connector at the hub of the catheter, pull waste back through closed system,...
  13. Positioning for HFOV

    As long as baby is >28 weeks and a week old, midline positioning is not detrimental for prevention of IVH. If a pt is on HFOV the ETT is ideally a bit higher than normal (still below clavicles!)...
  14. Neonatal IV question

    We never cover our IVs in NICU, in PICU yes as those kids actually realize they have an I'VE in their arm/hand and might pull it out. In NICU sometimes all you have for access is a PIV and TPN is...
  15. Hourly doses of vent sedation, is this common?

    I had a trauma patient last week that the trauma team wrote for PRN dosing of meds to keep RAS at a certain level. Super annoying. Generally, vented patients in our unit are on pain and sedation...